Browse Items (8622 total)
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - January 1947
Tags: amend by-laws, associate members, budget committee, Candidates meeting, Champaign League, City of Decatur, Community Chest, Constitutional Convention Chairmanship, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, discussion group, Dr. Boyer, general meeting, Housing Meeting, January 1947, Judge Grenias, Laura Bailey, League of Women Voters, Local Institutional and Welfare Conditions discussion, Millikin, Mr. Witker, Mrs. Corey's visit, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Redmon, Mrs. Temple, National Program Secretary, nominating committee, Paul Smallwood, Publication Chairman, Rev Crothers, speaker, Westminster Presbyterian, YWCA
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - November 1946
Tags: 60 members, airlines, business report, Civic Improvement Committee, Committee Reports, Decatur Housing Project, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, discussion time, Dr. Daniel Gage, general meeting, Hazel Temple, January meeting program, League of Nations, League of Women Voters, membership report, Millikin University, Minutes, Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. Temple, November 1946, projects, Social Welfare in Decatur, speaker, United Nation Organization, Vice President
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - October 1946
Tags: "When You Vote" publication ordered, Atomic Energy, Constitutional Convention Chairman, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Economic Welfare Chairman, faculty wives, general meeting, Herald and Review advertisement, League of Women Voters, membership tea, Millikin University, Minutes, Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Fryxell, Mrs. Redmon, October 1946, Radio public relations, treasure's report
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes September 1946
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - August 1946
Tags: 1946, board meeting, call to order, chairmanships, Chatter Lounge, Chicago monthly meeting, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Foreign Policy, Government and its Operations, League of Women Voters, Membership, membership drive and tea, Mrs. D. Wood, Mrs. Fryxell, President Miss Redman, publications, Social Welfare, study group plans, Women's Council, YWCA
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - July 1946
Tags: 1946, Committee chairmen, Decatur Club, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, general information on League of Women Voters, League of Women Voters, letter of members, Minutes, Mrs. Redman President, panel discussion, president's report, State and National meeting, treasure's report, Women's Council
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - May 1946
Tags: 1946, 4th Tuesday of the Month, affiliation with local associations, attendance, by laws edit, call to order, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, directors meeting, discussion groups, Executive Board, general meeting plans, Kansas City, League of Women Voters, local projects, name change, national convention, Program Committee, State Council, treasures report
League of Women Voters - Projects - Handgun Control - 1975
League of Women Voters - Projects - Decatur Public Schools Referendum - 1992 - Part 3
League of Women Voters - Projects - Decatur Public Schools - 1992
Tags: 1992, Decatur Public Schools, Decatur Public Schools Publication, DPS #61 Finance Projection 1992-1995, Focus on School Funding, Goals for Action, Interview with Superintendent Wachter, Kathleen Owen LWV President, Kathy Sorensen, League of Women Voters, Letters to School Board Members, LWV School Funding Study/Action Committee Report 1992, projects