Browse Items (8626 total)

Photo of Lt. Charles A. Miller in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Miller, Lt. Charles A., Article on back of photo: "Lieut. Charles A. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Roy Miller, 1960 North Walnut Grove, recently completed his officer training at Grinnell, Iowa, and was home on leave. He…

Photo of Lt. Charles "Bud" Whitaker in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Whitaker, Lt. Charles "Bud"; Article on back of photo; "Bud Whitaker Bomber Pilot; Lt. Charles "Bud" Whitaker, former photo-engraver at The Herald and Review, received his commission and bomber pilot's wings in ceremonies…

Photo of Lt. Carl D. Mitchell in uniform standing by airplane door
Herald and Review Library: Mitchell, Lt. Carl D., Article on back of photo; "Raid On, by Maxine Kyle of Herald Staff; Piloting a Flying fortress in the Rome raid was one of the missions of Lieut. Carl D. Mitchell, who walked in on his parents, Mr.…

Photo of Lt. C. W. Cleveland wearing radio headset
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cleveland, Lt. C. W., 5/19/1942, received Army War Wings.

Photo of Lt. Bruce A. Freer in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Freer, Lt. Bruce A., 2/28/1943. 1411 W. Wood. article on back of photo: "Lieut. Bruce A. Freer, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Freer, 1411 West Wood street, received the wings of an aerial navigator at Hondo,…

Photo of Lt. Bartlett Field Cole and Janet (Dillehunt) Cole Wedding
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cole, Lt. Bartlett Field Cole and Janet (Dillehunt) Cole, 6/24/1945. Logan-Markham in Portland, Oregon. Article attached to photo: "Lt. (J.G.) and Mrs. Bartlett Field Cole were married last Sunday in Portland,…

Photo of Lt. (JG) William J. O'Heren in uniform standing on ship with water in the background
Herald and Review Library: O'Heren, Lt. (JG) William J.; Written on back of photo; "Lt. (JG) William J. O'Heren, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. O'Heren, 1404 East Prairie st., Decatur, Ill., in returning to the United States after flying 56 combat…

Photo of Lt. (J.G.) William T. Schwenk in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Schwenk, Lt. J.G. William T.; Article on back of photo; "Schwenk in Navy, Lieut. (J.G.) William T. Schwenk, formerly of 1080 West Marietta street, has been commissioned a lieutenant in the navy and is stationed at the…

Photo of Lr. Orville Moran in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Moran, Lt. Orville; Article on back of photo; "Lt. Orville Moran, Orville O. Moran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville O. Moran, 1137 North Main street, was recently graduated from navigation school at Ellington Field, Texas, and…

Photo of Lowell Williamson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Williamson, Ensign Lowell; Article on back of photo; "Lowell Williamson, son of Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Williamson, 228 North Woodlawn avenue, has returned to Decatur from Pensacola, Fla., after completing nine months of…