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Board of Directors Meeting - September 15, 1977
This is the minutes and agenda for the Board of Directors meeting on September 15, 1977. At this meeting, the Board discussed retroactive pay, library policy amendments, Billy Graham's "How to Be Born Again", Joan Zydek's resignation, publicity…
Tags: 1977, Agenda, amendments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, circulation computerization system, CLSI, code of library policy, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, How to Be Born Again, Joan Zydek, Meeting, Minutes, publicity boxes, Resignation, retroactive pay, Robert Dumas, September 1977, Summer in the Park program, Summer Reading Program, terminals
Bills - April 1977
This is a list of bills for April 1977.
Bills - August 1977
This is a list of bills for August 1977.
Bills - December 1977
This is a list of bills for December 1977.
Bills - February 1977
This is a list of bills for February 1977.
Bills - January 1977
This is a list of bills for January 1977.
Bills - July 1977
This is a list of bills for July 1977.
Bills - June 1977
This is a list of bills for June 1977.
Bills - March 1977
This is a list of bills for March 1977.
Bills - May 1977
This is a list of bills for May 1977.