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Photo of Ensign Grover Lawrence Engle, Jr. in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Engle, Grover Lawrence Jr., 2/6/1942. Property of Herald and Review, credit - Hubbard. Article on back: "Ensign Grover Lawrence Engle, Jr., has reported for duty on the East coast after spending a 10-day furlough…

Photo of Ensign E. M. Yoder in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Yoder, Ensign E. M.; Article on back of photo; "Ensign Yoder Here to Seek Naval Fliers; Ensign E. M. Yoder, arrived in Decatur Saturday and will be stationed in an office in the Liberal Arts Building at Millikin University…

Photo of Ensign Claud G. Davis and Lt. James L. Brader in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; "Ensign Claud G., Davis, and. Lt. James L. Brader 1/13/1944. Article on back: "Ensign Claud G. Davis, who has been in the Navy for almost 18 years, has just returned from serving more than four years as ship's…

Photo of Ensign Charles L. Mooney in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Mooney, Ensign Charles L., Article on back of photo; "On Leave, Ensign Charles L. Mooney and wife were here recently to visit Ensign Mooney's brother, H. R. Mooney, 1449 North Oakland avenue. The officer is a son of Francis…

Photo of Enfer E. Evans in Navy Uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Evans, Enfer E., 6/1/1945. Caption on back: "Bement Sailor Advanced in Raring: Enfer E. Evans, 24, watertender, first class, USNR, whose wife, Mrs. Ruby Durbin Evans, and daughter, live at 232 West Bowyer St.,…

Photo of Emmett Williamson hold shield listing names of men who worked at Williamson Service Station that entered the armed forces
Herald and Review Library: Williamson, Emmett, Article with photo; "This photograph, which ran in the Decatur newspaper on June 7, 1942, features Emmett Williamson of Williamson Service Station. Williamson, the owner of the station, was the seventh…

Photo of Emil I. Martina in uniform with name and airfield on bottom of photo
Herald and Review Library: Martina, 2nd Lt. Emil I, Article on back of photo; "Silver Wings, Emil I. Martina, son of Mrs. Angela Martina, 2524 East Division street, has been awarded his wings and commissioned as a second lieutenant at special outdoor…

Photo of Emerald Inn Tavern.
Photograph of the Emerald Inn Tavern located at 2703 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Elmer Rambo in civilian dress
Herald and Review Library: Rambo, Elmer