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Photo of Wilson Cafeteria Building Front

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Photograph of the Wilson Cafeteria Building Front located at 136 S. Water St., with two old automobiles in front, c. 1920-1930.

Photo of the "Tops Big Boy" Statue

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Photograph of the Top's Big Boy Statue holding a double cheeseburger.

Photos of Tom's Grill Building, Sign and Interior.

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Photograph of Tom's Grill Building located at 1856 N. Main St. Photograph of Sign "Tom's Beer, Liquor, Drive-in". Photograph of Tom's Grill interior.

Photo of The Hickory Pit Restaurant, owners Eddie and Grace Copeland.

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Photograph of the Hickory Pit Restaurant owners Eddie and Grace Copeland and two other women. The restaurant was located at Cleveland and Franklin streets.

Photos Swartz Restaurant

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Photograph of Swartz Restaurant Interior booths and waitresses. Photograph of Swartz Restaurant Sign. Swartz Restaurant was known for their pies. They were located at the intersection of US 36, N. 22nd & William St. (5 points).

Photo of the Surrey Restaurant Sign

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Photograph of the Surrey Restaurant Sign. Restaurant was located at 134 E. Prairie Street, Decatur, IL. The Surrey was in business from the 1940's to the early 1980's. (More information in the file.)

Photos of the St. Nicolas Hotel Building.

Aerial photograph of the St. Nicholas Hotel. Photographs of the St. Nicholas Hotel different time periods.

Photos of the St. Nicholas Hotel

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Photographs of the old St. Nicholas Hotel Exterior.

Photo of Rangos Place Restaurant Interior and Owner.

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Photograph of the interior of Rangos Place located at 337 N. Main St., Decatur, IL., employee or owner in the photo.

Photo of the Ponderosa Steak House Building

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Photograph of the Ponderosa Steak House Building located at 2981 N. Main St., Decatur, IL.