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Photo of Apprentice Petty Officer 1st Class Tom Fox in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Fox, Tom, 12/11/1944. Saved one in basketball uniform. Article on back of photo: "Tom Fox, one of last year's D.H.S. regulars, whose improved playover the preceding year, had much to do with the locals having a…

Photo of Anniversary Flowers from Linn Scruggs.
Photograph of Noami Moore and Arvilla Merritt with Anniversary Flowers from Linn and Scruggs.

Photo of Anne Harp in Wave uniform
Herald and Review Library: Harp, Anne; Article on back of photo; "Ann Harp in Florida. Ensign Ann Harp is senior Wave officer at the office of Naval procurement in Jacksonville, Fla. Ensign Harp, who has been instructor in shiops and aircraft at the…

Photo of Ancil A. Livesay, Jr. in uniform, parachute in front of plane propeller
Herald and Review Library: Livesay, Ancil A., Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ancil A. Livesay, 2149 N. Church street.

Photo of Anchor Inn

BS941-Anchor Inn AKA Ory Tavern AKA Nightingale Club Lost Bridge Road 7-27-1938014.jpg
Photograph of the Anchor Inn former Nightingale Inn

Photo of an Unknown Green House.

Photograph of an unknown green house filled with roses.

Photo of Allen D. Ray in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Ray, Allen D.; Article on back of photo; "Allen D. Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ray, of 141 East Packard street, a technical sergeant at Camp Forrest, Tenn., returned to the camp last Monday after visiting here with his…

Photo of Alexander Lumber Co.
Photograph of the Alexander Lumber Co. with mem standing on the dock and looking out a door.

Photo of Albert R. Toole in uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Toole, Albert R., Article on back of photo; "Toole Graduates; Pvt. Albert R. Toole, son of Mrs. Pearl Toole, 245 East Division street, was graduated last week from the gunnery school at Laredo army air field, Laredo, Texas.…