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- Tags: ET Coleman
Industry - Old Shellabarger Mill - 236 E. Cerro Gordo
Tags: 1856-1977, American Hominy Company, Ann Krone Shellabarger, articles, bankruptcy, biographies, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Condell Mill, David Shellabarger, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, EB Hitcock, ET Coleman, family tree, golden anniversary, Grace Shellabarger Allen, H. Paul Tick, Herald and Review, Hinkles, History, Obituary, Old Shellabarger Mill, P&D Produce Company, photos, Progressive Decatur, Prohibition, Red Bluff Ca., S&R Liquor company, Sam Roucher, Shellabarger Mil and Elevator, Thatcher Shellabarger, The Story of Decatur, WL Shellabarger
Industry - Wabash Depot - 780 E. Cerro Gordo
Tags: 1901-1977, 2099's Bechome Extinct, ads, articles, Bardford Cantrell, Cannonball, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Decatur Tribune, Dedication, description, diagram, drawing, EB Hitchock, ET Coleman, Herald and Review, History of Macon County, merger, Norfolk and Western, Otto Kyle, Past and Present in Decatur and Macon County, photo, rates, schedule, Story of Decatur, time card, timepieces, Wabash Centennial Program, Wabash Depot, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Station, watches, William Ennis