Browse Items (54 total)
- Tags: articles
League of Women Voters - Projects - Local Healthcare - 1982
League of Women Voters - Projects - Equal Rights Amendment - 1974
Tags: 1974, 1979, articles, brochures, Citizens' advisory council on the status of women, Conference application, Correspondence and Letters, Equal Rights Amendment, ERA, Herald and Review, League of Women Voters, Membership application, Petition, projects, Proposed amendment to US constitution, publications, Ratification skit, workshops
League of Women Voters - School Scrap Book - 1982-1994
League of Women Voters - Miscellaneous Scrapbook - 1920s to 1970s
Tags: articles, city manager, League of Women Voters, League of Women Voters Presidents, LWV anniversary tea, Maye Duncan, Mrs. Clifford Smith, Mrs. Floyd Birt, Mrs. G. F. Miller, Mrs. G. I. Covalt, Mrs. H.W. Gibson, Mrs. John Donovan, Mrs. John Kuhns, Mrs. L. L. Clovis, Mrs. Milten Craig, Mrs. Neal Doubleday, Mrs. P. W. Wipperm, Mrs. Thomas Hurst, officers' elections, Scrapbook, Tax Monies, years agendas
League of Women Voters - Miscellaneous Scrapbook and articles - 1920s through 1970s
Tags: articles, city manager, Decatur IL, Election of Officers, League of Women Voters, LWV anniversary tea, LWV presidents, Mrs. Clifford Smith, Mrs. Floyd Birt, Mrs. G. F. Miller, Mrs. G. I. Covalt, Mrs. H. W. Gibson, Mrs. John Donovan, Mrs. John Kuhns, Mrs. L. L. Colvis, Mrs. Maye Duncan, Mrs. Meltin Craig, Mrs. Neal Doubleday, Mrs. P. W. Wipperm, Mrs. Thomas Hurst, Scrapbook, Tax Monies, year's agenda
League of Women Voters - By Laws & Policies 1961-1972
Tags: amendments, articles, board of directors, by law changes, by laws, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, council, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, elections, financial administration, League of Women Voters, local programs, meetings, Membership, name, national convention, nominations, officers, parliamentary authority, Policies, state convention
Social Services Organization - Turner Hall/Webster Hall - 736 N. Broadway
Tags: 1889-1977, articles, Board Members, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, drawings, German, golden anniversary, Herald and Review, History, John Ruhl, Margaret Meyer, Mary Kreidler, photos, Ruth Sweeney, social club, Turner Hall, Turnverein Society, Webster Hall, Webster/Cantrell Hall
Social Services Organization -Masonic Temple - 224 W. William
Tags: 125th Anniversary, American Buildings, architects, articles, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, corner stone, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Dedication, early Decatur Masonry, Fifty Million Brothers, floor plan, governor Emmerson, Herald and Review, History, Holabird and Roche, John Foster Dulles, Lodge No. 8, Macon Lodge Charter, Masonic Temple, Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt, past masters, photos, Plan of the Orders of Masonry, Sen. John F. Kennedy, Sen. Richard Nixon, Some Busy Citizens, VIP appearances
Social Services Organizations - Pythian Home/St. Joseph's Hall - 2601 N. Union
Tags: 1908-1977, accessors office, articles, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, floor plan, Fraternal foreign Interest, Great Pythian Gala, Hall dedication, Herald and Review, Home Talent, Jesuits, photos, picnic, Programs, Pythian Home, retreat house, St. Joseph's Hall, Tertian Training, The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries
Social Services Organizations - YMCA - 436 N. Main St.
Tags: Annual Meeting, articles, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, dedication plan, description, financial drive, floor plan, food service, Herald and Review, History, History of City of Decatur and Macon County, jubilee banquet, motor pageant, Mrs Greg Lewis, Mrs TT Roberts, Mrs. Eugenia Bacon, Offices, Opening, Organization, photos, play, Young Men's Christian Association