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  • Tags: Aerial View

Aerial Photos of ADM Construction and Truck Waiting to Unload Grain.

BS2501-ADM 6-1-1978-061 (1).jpg
Aerial photographs of Archer Daniels Midland construction. Photo of railway cars at the ADM plant. Photograph of farm trucks waiting line to unload grain.

Photos of Tolly's Market on Route 48, N. Oakland Ave., Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of Tolly's Market 1355 N. State Rt. 48 (Oakland Ave.) parking lot. Aerial photograph of Tolly's Market. Photograph of Tolly's Bulletin Board. Photograph of a couple shopping at Tolly's Market. Photograph of Tolly's Baseball Team.

Aerial Photos of the Construction of Northgate Mall.

BS1972-North Gate Mall 1969-297.jpg
Photographs Aerial View of the proposed construction of Northgate Mall. This location housed the following stores, Turn Style, Venture, Osco, Jewel, K's Merchandise, Movie Theatres, and a Video Store. Northgate Mall is mostly vacant now.

Aerial Photos of Brettwood Mall

Aerial photographs of Brettwood Mall under construction in 1962, located on the corner of Pershing Road and Rt. 51 North.

Miscellaneous Photos Chaps Amusement Park.
Photographs: Ferris Wheel, Merry-go-Round, J. L. Culumber, Aerial View, Roller Rink and the train Little Rebel.