Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: judicial amendment
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#40#41#42#43#44# - 1962
Tags: Action on U.N. and trade expansion, Annual Meeting, April 1962, Books for the mental health association, budget, bulletins, Calendar, Call for Action, Candidates' meeting, Con Con, continuing responsibilities, County Government, Decatur board, Deed Caterers, Downtown council approached by our Foreign Policy chairman, Emergency bus study, February 1962, Finance, Finance drive plans, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, Health services, International trade conference, January 1962, judicial amendment, Last words, League of Women Voters, local agenda, March 1962, May 1962, Membership, national convention, Newsletters, Nominating, orientation, Political parties, Public Relations, Public school workshop, publications, regional meeting, Report of budget committee 1962 to 1963, The great debate of 1962 our trade laws, unit meetings, United Nations, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - September Board Meeting - Early special October meeting - 1962
Tags: Association of Commerce course, board meeting, Candidates interviews, council-management workshop, Finance Drive, health unit, judicial amendment, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Bachrach president, Mrs. Meyerson secretary, school study, Special Meeting, treasurer's report, WDZ
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1962
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - November 1958
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - Monthly luncheon meeting - September 1958
Tags: board meeting, Finance Drive, judicial amendment, League of Women Voters, luncheon meeting, LWV luncheon, Minutes, Mrs. Colvis president, Mrs. Cresswell secretary, nominating committee, Professor Edward Cleery, regional LWV meeting, treasure's report, unit meetings, University of Illinois, Water trips
Albert G. Webber III's Oral History
Tags: 1982, A.G. Webber, A.G. Webber II, A.G. Webber III, A.G. Webber IV, air conditioned courtrooms, Albert G. Webber III, appeals, Appellate Bench, apprentice, bar exam, Betty Turnell, changes to judicial courts, chopping wood, Circuit Bench, Circuit Clerk's vault, class action suits, close friends, confidential advisor, County Board, County Court, Cumberland Charter, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Decatur IL, Des Moines IA, Dorothy Brown, fourth courthouse construction, Fourth District Appellate Court, general counsel, hangings, Hieronymus Mueller, immigrant, interview, James Millikin, judge, Judge John McCoy, Judge Morthland, judicial amendment, Keokuk IA, law school, lawyer, legal notices, legal work, Macon County Sheriff, Master in Chancery, Millikin Family, Millikin Homestead, Millikin University, Mueller family, Navy, office boy, oral history, public defendants, railroading, recording, Rev. Hawkins, Richard Welsh, Rock Island Railroad, sequestered jury, suppression of confession, third courthouse, trial bench, University of Illinois Law School, World War I, World War II