Browse Items (49 total)

  • Collection: Decatur in The Great War 1917-1918

Men Marching in the Red Cross Parade, May 1918
WWI - Men marching with the flag in the Red Cross parade, May 1918.l

Children on a Float in the Red Cross Parade
WWI - Children dressed as members of the Red Cross on a float in the Red Cross parade, waving the American Flag, May 1918.

Students Dressed in Red Cross and Army Uniforms Showing Support for the War
WWI - Photograph of Junior High School Students, Nov. 1917. Students are dressed in Red Cross and Army Uniforms in support of the war.

Students Gardening in a Victory Garden
WWI - Photograph of children working in the Riverside School Garden. c.1917

WWI Soldiers in Front of a Store in Decatur, IL. c. 1917
WWI - Company H, Illinois National Guard, on return from Springfield, IL., 1917.

Photo of Company "H", Illinois National Guards on return from Springfield, IL. standing at attention with duffel bags
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Co. H, Illinois National Guards, on return from Springfield, IL.

Headquarters for the State Council of Defense
Photo of the interior of the Decatur headquarters for the State Council of Defense during WWI

Illinois National Guard parading down N. Main St. in downtown Decatur, IL c. 1918
Illinois National Guard parading down N. Main St. in downtown Decatur, IL c. 1918

Photo of Seven Women c. 1917
Liberty Loan "Flying Squadron" photograph of seven women.