Browse Items (8620 total)

Circulation Reports - 2011

These are the circulation reports for 2011. Months included are April, August, February, January, June, March, May, and July. Topics included code, allocation, description, annual budget allocation, YTD spending, currently encumbered, % spent and…

Financial Reports - 2011

These are the financial reports for 2011. Monthly included are April, August, February, January, July, June, March, November, October, and September. Topics included are original approp, revised budget, YTD actual, MTD actual, encumbered, available…

Non-Resident Card Program Report Form - May 2011

This is the non-resident card program report form dated May 2011. Areas covered are name, approval date, fee, and State Library application if desired.

Summer Reading Program Teen Brochure - June 2012

This is the summer reading program brochure for teens in June 2013.

Meeting Notice - Finance and Properties and Board of Directors - June 1987

This is a meeting notice for the finance and properties committee and also the board of directors. Items to be discussed are annual report preparation and selection policy.

Monthly Bills and Payroll for the Decatur Public Library for 1990

These are the monthly bills and payroll for the Decatur Public Library per the Board of Trustees in 1990. This financial statement list date of request, vendor, amount, check number, check date, and description of payment.

Board of Directors Meeting on June 19, 1980

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting on June 19, 1980. At this meeting, the Board discussed Properties and Finance report, Personnel and Public Relations report, statistical report, summer reading program, and the Evans…