Browse Items (8620 total)
Circulation Reports - 2011
Tags: % spent, % spent and encumbered, 2011, Adult Division, adult division funds, adult division reference, allocation, annual budget allocation, audio general, audio visual, available balance, board of directors, Board of Trustees, book periodical, children division, circulation reports, code, currently encumbered, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, description, endowment funds, Lee Ann Fisher, unexpected balance, YTD spending
Financial Reports - 2011
Non-Resident Card Program Report Form - May 2011
Summer Reading Program Teen Brochure - June 2012
Meeting Notice - Finance and Properties and Board of Directors - June 1987
May Board of Trustees Meeting Packet - 1996
Tags: 1996, annual circ report by area, annual report, Annual Report of Board of Directors, April minutes, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, cd collection, children's division, circ stats, citizen's survey, City Council, city librarian's monthly report, committee, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Extension Division, friends, GEAC, Harristown, Illinois State Library, internet access policy, John Moorman, letter, main library, maintenance division, Mary Lou Dryer, Mayor, Meeting, meeting room activities and programs, Minutes, Mueller Museum, Nims Associates, OCLC, Policy Personnel and Public Relations, real property, reports, Revenue, RPLS, staff training, Statistical Report, trustees' by-laws, Volunteers
Bills - March - 1994
Monthly Reports May 1959-April 1960
Monthly Bills and Payroll for the Decatur Public Library for 1990
Tags: 1990, amount of check, August, board of directors, Board of Trustees, check date, date of request, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, description, February, financial and properties committee, Financial Statement, James Seidl, January, July, June, March, May, November, number of check, October, September, vendor