Browse Items (46 total)
- Tags: Construction
Aerial Photos of ADM Construction and Truck Waiting to Unload Grain.
Tags: ADM, Aerial View, Archer Daniels Midland, BS2405, BS2501, BS2502, BS2503, BS2505, BS2506, Business, Construction, Farm Truck, Grain, Manufacturing, processing, Railway Cars
Aerial Views of WSOY Radio Station
Tags: 1946, 1947, Aerial Views, BS2469, BS2470, BS2471, BS2479, BS2489, BS2490, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., Pershing Road, Radio Station, WSOY
Photos of Standard Oil Co. Employees, New Construction, Farm Delivery, and Aerial View.
Photos of the Standard Oil Building, and Employees
Tags: 2/3/1958, 4/30/1953, BS2307, BS2308, BS2309, BS2310, BS2311, BS2312, BS2313, building, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., employees, Manufacturing, Petroleum Products, Plant, Standard Oil
Photos of the Staley Viaduct.
Photos of A. E. Staley Construction, Awards, and Research.
Tags: 12/4/1958, 3/17/1952, 5/11/1956, 5/19/1961, A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Awards, BS2225, BS2226, BS2227, BS2228, BS2229, BS2230, BS2230A, BS2231, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., Manufacturing, Research
Photos of Construction of the new Hydrate Plant
Aerial Photo of the A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co.
Tags: A. E. Staley Co., Aerial View, BS2195, BS2196, BS2197, BS2198, BS2199, BS2200, BS2201, BS2202, BS2203, BS2204, Buildings, Business, Construction, Manufacturing, Parking Lots
Photo of Spring Creek Mall - Aerial View of Construction.
Photos of Soy Capital Bank Exterior and Interior.
Tags: 1501 E. Eldorado, banking, Banks, BS2123, BS2124, BS2125, BS2126, BS2127, BS2128, BS2129, BS2130, BS2131, BS2132, BS2133, building, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., E. R. Giese Gen. Contractor, exterior, interior, Soy Capital Bank