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Photos of the Staley Viaduct.

BS2287-Staley Viaduct Construction 1927-181.jpg
Photograph of the construction of the Staley viaduct. Photograph of man working on guard rail, Staley Viaduct. Photograph of Staley Viaduct covered with ice. Aerial photographs of the Staley Viaduct and stairway.

Photos of A. E. Staley Construction, Awards, and Research.

Photographs of three men looking at new construction. Photograph of two men looking at the 50 year Plaque. Photographs of people accepting awards. Photograph of two men in the research department.

Photo of Spring Creek Mall - Aerial View of Construction.

BS2146-Spring Creek Plaza-375.jpg
Photograph of the Spring Creek Mall Under Construction - located at N. Monroe Street and W. Pershing Road, Decatur, IL.

Photos of Soy Capital Bank Exterior and Interior.

Photographs of the Soy Capital Bank during construction, exterior, interior and drive-up, 1501 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.

Aerial Photos of the Construction of Northgate Mall.

BS1972-North Gate Mall 1969-297.jpg
Photographs Aerial View of the proposed construction of Northgate Mall. This location housed the following stores, Turn Style, Venture, Osco, Jewel, K's Merchandise, Movie Theatres, and a Video Store. Northgate Mall is mostly vacant now.