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  • Tags: BYLAWS

Personnel Policy and Public Relations Committee meeting - June 2019 - minutes and board packet

These are the minutes and board packet of the personnel policy and public relations committee meeting in June 2019. Items discussed and reviewed were management job descriptions, HR Source, by laws, FOIA request, and the library protester

Board of Directors Meeting - June 2019 - minute and board packet

These are the minutes and board packet of the board of directors meeting in June 2019. Items discussed and reviewed were public comment by Mark Girdler, city librarian's report, FOIA request, personnel policy and public relations, management pay…

Finance and Properties Special Meeting December 3 and 7, 2009

These are two special meetings of the finance and properties committee in December 2009. Members discussed and reviewed temporary heating bids for the ANNEX, budget cuts, bylaws, interlibrary loan polices and procedures, close session, employment…

Board of Directors Meeting - Agenda - 2009

This is the agenda for the December meeting of the board of directors. Topics include approving November's minutes, city librarians report, Personnel Policy and Public Relations, by-laws, inter library loan, close session, Finance and Properties,…

Board of Trustees BYLAWS December 2009

This is a copy of the Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees BYLAWS in December of 2009.