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Photo of Lt. John J. Flaherty in uniform.
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Flaherty, Lt. John J., 6/16/1944 unused. Lt. John J. Flaherty, former James Millikin University student."
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., Millikin University, World War II, WWII
Photo of Lt. James Parish in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Parish, Lt. James H.; Article on back of photo; "James H. Parish, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Parish, rural route 3, has completed training as an army air force pilot and has been commissioned a second lieutenant at Brooks…
Photo of Lt. James M. Wetzel in uniform with name tag
Herald and Review Library: Wetzel, Lt. James M.; Article on back of photo; "Lt. James M. Wetzel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Albert Wetzel, 745 south Maffit street, formerly served with the engineers at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He attended the University…
Tags: AAF, Army Air Corps, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII
Photo of Lt. James E. Dehority in uniform
WWII- Herald and Review Library; Dehority, Lt. James E., 5/25/1944. Article on back of photo: "Lt. Dehority attended Millikin University and the University of Denver and was employed by the Western Electric Company in Chicago before enlisting. Lieut.…
Tags: Decatur IL, Millikin University, U.S. AAF, World War II, WWII
Photo of Lt. Jack E. Herington in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Herington, Lt. Jack E., Article on back of photo; "Lt. Jack Herington, son of Mr. and Mrs .O. W. Herington, 2115 East Hendrix street recently completed bombardier navigator training at the Angelo army air field in Texas and…
Tags: Army Air Forces, Bombardier, Navigator, U. S. AAF, World War II, WWII
Photo of Lt. j.g. Robert E. Lewis in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Lewis, Lt. Robert E.; Article on back of photo; "Lieut. (j.g.) Robert E. Lewis, 215 North Woodlawn avenue, is at the University of Arizona in Tucson at a school of Indoctrination. He entered service Jan. 112. His wife and…
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Lt. Howard Wolfe in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Wolfe, Lt. Howard; Written on back of photo; "Insurance Agent with the Sanks Agency. Was President of Junior Association of Commerce."
Photo of Lt. Howard E. Wrench and son, Cpl. Howard T. Wrench in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wrench, Lt. Howard E., and Cpl. Howard T. Wrench; Article on back of photo; "Lt. Howard E. Wrench and his son, Cpl. Howard T. Wrench, met recently in Assam, India, for the first time in more than a year. Lieutenant Wrench,…
Photo of Lt. Henry E. Howey in bomber jacket with headphones
Herald and Review Library: Howey, Lt. Henry E., Article on back of photo; "Lieut Henry E. Howey, among the pilots to be awarded their silver wings today at the seven schools in the Gulf Coast Army Air Forces Training Center are Lieut Henry E. Howey,…
Photo of Lt. Harris Dean in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Dean, Lt. Harris, 8/26/1944. Article on back of photo: "Lt. Harris Dean, home from 21 months duty on board one of the Navy's new battleships assigned to Task Force 58, recently participated in t he struggle for…