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Photo of Library Block, N. Main and E. William Streets.
Photograph of the Library Block N. Main St. and E. William St.
Photo of Lewis W. Stuckey
Photograph of Lewis W. Stuckey, retired furniture dealer. He retired from the furniture business in 1946. He had been in the furniture business in Decatur for 41 years. He was a partner of the Weilepp & Stuckey furniture firm which opened a store in…
Photo of Lewis E. McDonald in uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: McDonald, Lewis E., photo unused
Tags: Army Air Forces, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII
Photo of Leonard Tanzyus in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Tanzyus, Pvt. Leonard; Article on back of photo; "Tanzyus Visits Here; Pvt. Leonard Tanzyus, stationed at Camp Hulen, Texas in a heavy automatic maintenance company, recently spent a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Martha…
Photo of Leonard Roderick in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Roderick, Leonard; Article on back of photo; "Roderick Returns; Leonard Roderick, machinist's mate second class, has been on leave here with his wife,2062 Charles street, and their three children, Leonard, Carolyn Jean and…
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Leo Livingston in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Livingston, Leo Steward Second Class; Article on back of photo; "'Life aboard a transport ship is so active that there isn't much time for reflective thinking.' Leo Livingston, Negro steward second class, home from one…
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, Transport Ship Steward, World War II, WWII
Photo of Leo Hopper in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hopper, Leo Tech. Sgt. Article on back of photo; "Says England Will Cooperate; The attitude of the British toward the forthcoming peace program is described by Tech. Sgt. Leo Hopper, former assistant manager of the Lincoln…
Tags: Army, Britain, Decatur IL., France, Lincoln Theater, World War II, WWII
Photo of Leland Hartwig in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hartwig, Leland; Article on back of photo: A brother-in-law, Leland Hartwig, fireman second class, is the son of George Hartwig, of rural route 3. A former Mueller employee, Leland is stationed in the South Pacific. His…
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Leath Furniture Window Display
Photograph of Window Display at Leath Furniture store located at 432-450 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.
Photo of Lawrence Trolia in uniform with ammo belt and rifle in front of a building
Herald and Review Library: Trolia, Lawrence; Article on back of photo; "Lawrence Trolia, who has been in the United States Navy eight months, has been spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Trolia, 2304 East Prairie avenue. He…
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII