Browse Items (8646 total)
Photos Swartz Restaurant
Tags: 5 Points, BS2331, BS2332, Business, Fast Service, interior, Pies, Restaurant, sign, Swartz Restaurant
Photos of Stewart's Dry Goods Store
Photo of Starlite Inn, 1604 N. 22nd Street, Decatur, IL.
Photo of Stark Refrigeration and Arrick Engraving Co.
Photos of Standard Oil Co. Employees, New Construction, Farm Delivery, and Aerial View.
Photos of the Standard Oil Building, and Employees
Tags: 2/3/1958, 4/30/1953, BS2307, BS2308, BS2309, BS2310, BS2311, BS2312, BS2313, building, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., employees, Manufacturing, Petroleum Products, Plant, Standard Oil
Photo of A. E. Staley Baseball Team
Photo of A. E. Staley Building and Smoke Stack Historical.
Tags: 2/24/1955, A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., American Hominy Co., Augustus E. Staley, BS2298, BS2299, BS2300, BS2301, Business, Decatur and Macon Co. History, Decatur Cereal Mill Co., Decatur Union Elevator Co., F. M. Pratt, Historical, Manufacturing, Pratt Cereal Mill Co., R. E. Pratt, Ruth Cade, Wellington Starch Works
Miscellaneous Photos of A. E. Staley
Tags: 1/12/1954, 12/24/1954, 1934, 25th Anniversary Plaque, 9/22/1947, A. E. Staley, BS2268, BS2269, BS2270, BS2279, BS2294, BS2295, BS2296, BS2297, Buildings, Business, Credit Union Building, Decatur IL., Manufacturing, Office Building, Rail Car, Staley Ditch, Staley Farm, Staley Research Building, Staley Sign, Starch Drying Kiln