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Photos Swartz Restaurant

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Photograph of Swartz Restaurant Interior booths and waitresses. Photograph of Swartz Restaurant Sign. Swartz Restaurant was known for their pies. They were located at the intersection of US 36, N. 22nd & William St. (5 points).

Photos of Stewart's Dry Goods Store

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Photographs of Stewart's Dry Goods Closing and Stewart's is in the background, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Starlite Inn, 1604 N. 22nd Street, Decatur, IL.

Photograph of Romano's Starlite Inn, 1604 N. 22nd Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Stark Refrigeration and Arrick Engraving Co.

Photograph of Stark Refrigeration Sales and Service Co. and Arrick Engraving Company located at 301 E. Main St.,, Decatur, IL. This building also housed the old Decatur Ford agency at one time and the Teamsters and Chauffeurs Union Local 279.

Photo of A. E. Staley Building and Smoke Stack Historical.

Photograph of the Staley, A. E. Mfg. Co. Building. "This mill was formerly one of the Decatur Cereal Mill Co. plants. The Decatur Cereal Mill Co., originally the Decatur Union Elevator Co., was erected in 1895 by F. M. and R. E. Pratt. The Pratts had…

Miscellaneous Photos of A. E. Staley

Photograph of the A. E. Staley Credit Union Building. Photograph of Railroad Car. Photograph of Starch Drying Kiln. Photograph of the Staley Ditch. Photograph of the Staley Farm.. Photograph of the 25th Anniversary Plaque. Photograph of the Staley…

Photos of the Staley Viaduct.

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Photograph of the construction of the Staley viaduct. Photograph of man working on guard rail, Staley Viaduct. Photograph of Staley Viaduct covered with ice. Aerial photographs of the Staley Viaduct and stairway.