Browse Items (8516 total)
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1969
Tags: 50th anniversary, Agenda, announcements, board meeting, Committee Reports, community conversations, Decatur voter, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Coberly secretary, Mrs. Shade president, new business, Organization, Program, Public Relations, Publication, treasurer's report, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - Annual Meeting- March 1969
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - February 1969
Tags: Agenda, announcements, board meeting, budget, Finance, Janet Westenhaver president, League of Women Voters, LOGO consensus, March units, Mary Jane Hippler secretary, Minutes, nominating committee, organization annual meeting, proposed local program, state consensus on schools, statement to Decatur City Council, Votes Services
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - January 1969
Tags: announcements, board meeting, by-law changes, Finance, Foreign Policy, Human Resources, Integration fact sheet, Janet Westenhaver president, League of Women Voters, Local Government Structures, Mary Jane Hippler secretary, Minutes, Program, publications, rumor control report, school, school study, treasure's report, Unit organization, Voter, Water resources
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - December 1968
Miscellaneous Photos Gebhart Auto Supply.
Tags: 117 N. Water, 232 E. North, 3/30/1954, 612 E. Eldorado, Auto Supply, Automotive, BS1496, BS1497, BS1498, BS1499, BS1500, BS1501, building, Business, Decatur IL., employees, Motor Oil
Miscellaneous Photos Gebhart Motor Supply.
Tags: Auto Parts, Automotive, BS1490, BS1491, BS1492, BS1493, BS1494, BS1495, Business, Decatur IL., employees, inventory, supplies
Miscellaneous Photos Gebhart Motor Supply.
Tags: Automotive, BS1484, BS1485, BS1486, BS1487, BS1488, BS1489, Business, Decatur IL., Employee, Fishing Flies, Gebhart Motor Supply, hobbies, inventory
Miscellaneous Photos of Gebhart Motor Supply.
Tags: 11/1/1939, Auto Parts, Automotive, BS1478, BS1479, BS1480, BS1481, BS1482, BS1483, building, Business, Decatur IL., employees, interior, inventory