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Residence - 442 W. Prairie - Dr. Albert Drew Home
Tags: 1980-1974, Albert Drew, architect, Article, assessor's office, Bernard Witt, Blanche Barnard, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, Clarence Goltra, description, drawing, floor plan, George f. Barber, History, Macon County Coordinating Council, owners, photo, Preservation in Decatur, Register of Old Buildings, University of Illinois, Vera Witt
Residence - 438 W. North St - Ira Barnes Home/Lincoln Manor
Tags: Article, assessor's office, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, description, Environmental Planning Workshop, Herald and Review, History, History of Macon County, Ira Barnes, Lincoln Manor, Lynn Barnes, Macon County Coordinating Council, Margaret Meyer, Mary Barnes, Mr. Sloan, owners, photos, Preservation in Decatur, The Knolls, Thomas Smith
Residence - 437 W. North Street - Haworth House
Tags: Annie Brueck, Article, assessor's office, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, D.E. Woodward, david Davis, description, Environmental Planning Workshopk, Harold Dunlap, Haworth Brueck, Henry Converse, Herald and Review, History, Italian Villa, J.J. Richeson, Joseph Doane, Kirby Benedict, L.L. Haworth, L.R. Blair, Macon County Coordinating Council, Mahlon Haworth, Margaret Meyer, Mary Pake, owners, Peter Brueck, photos, Preservation in Decatur, Quest Column, Register of Old Buildings, Valentine Priest, William Crissey, William Hammer
Residence - 425 N. Edward St. - Panmeyer Home
Tags: 1909-1974, Albert Tucker, Article, assessor's office, Bruce K. Smith, cigar manufacturer, city directory, conversation, Decatur Diary, description, drawings, Edgar and Charlotte Tyler, floor plan, Frank and Amy Panmeyer, Frank Panmeyer, Harriet Tyler, History, Larry Klugman, Lotte Tyler, Macon County Historical Coordinating Council, obituaries, office of recorder of deeds, owners, Panmeyer Home, Register of Old Buildings
Residence - 421 W. William St. - Oglesby Home
Tags: Alice Evans, biography, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Countess Cenci Bolognetti, Evans Grain Co., Felicity Oglesby, floor plan, Frank Evans, funeral monument, General Grant, Hiram Keays, History, James Bering, Jasper Oglesby, John Gillet, John Keays, John Whitney, Leonard Crunelle, letter, Macon County Coordinating Council, Marriage Announcement, Obituary, Olive Oglesby Snider, photos, preliminary sketches, receipt, Register of Old Buildings, Richard Oglesby, Robert Oglesby, timeline, William Barnes, William Le Baron Jenney
Residence - 421 N. College St.
Tags: 1897-1974, 421 N. College St, Ann PHillips, articles, assessor's office, biography, C. E. England, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, Conversations, Decatur IL, descriptions, Helen Perhallegon, Henry and Mary Moore, Herald and Review, history of home, Joseph and Nellie Lapham, Macon County Historical Coordinating Council, Margaret Meyer, Martin and Mary Vaughan, Melvin and Francis Parrish, Mrs. F. E. Parrish, Obituary, owners, Past and Present of Macon County, photography, Portrait and Biographies of Macon County, Register of Old Buildings, Roy Evans, Thomas and Carolyn Bonon, W. B. Chambers, William and Nancy Cole
Residence - 413 W. Decatur St. - Peter Wikoff Home
Tags: 1880-1974, 413 W. Decatur, 413 W. Decatur St., articles, biographies, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, descriptions, Donald R. Livergood, Expression Inc Architects, Forrest File, Herald and Review, J.N. Baker, John Scott, Macon County Historical Coordinating Council, obituries, owners, Peter Wikoff, Register of Old Buildings
Residence - 405 W. William - Henry Mueller Home
Tags: 1905-1974, Article, automaker, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, description, floor plan, Genealogy, Henry Mueller, Herald and Review, History, Josephine Bromley, Josephine Hopkins, Lenore Staley Smich, Macon County Coordinating Council, Mary McClanahan, mausoleum, Mueller Benz, Mueller Record, Obituary, owners, Photograph, Portrait and Biographical Record, Preservation in Decatur, Register of Old Buildings, Sailors and Musicians
Residence - 401 N. College - England Mansion
Tags: 1887-1974, 401 N. College St., articles, assessor's office, biography, C. E. England, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Centennial History of Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, College Hill, Conversations, Decatur IL, Decatur Tribune, descriptions, E. B. Hitchcock, England Mansion, Herald and Review, history of home, House of Prayer, Mabel Richmond, Macon County Historical Coordinating Council, Margaret Meyer, Obituary, owners, Past and Present of Macon County, photography, Places and People in Old Decatur, Portrait and Biographies of Macon County, Register of Old Buildings, Rev Jerry Henneberry, Silas Packard, Story of Decatur, W. B. Chambers
Residence - 364 W. William - Haworth Home
Tags: 1860-1974, About Town, Anna Haworth, Art Work in Decatur, Article, ceiling frescoe, Centennial History of Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur Day Nursery, Decatur Public Schools, Decatur Republican, description, Doris Weilepp, Elijah McCaughey, Florence Catto, H. Lynn Bohon, Herald and Review, History, James Millikin, Lysander Haworth, Macon County Coordinating Council, Mildred E. Price, Millikin Trust, Mutual Protective League, owners, P.H. Bruech, Photograph, Preservation in Decatur, Protective League Life Insurance, Rane Bohon, Register of Old Buildings, Wedding