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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Mar1989, Vol XlII-1 or Xlll-3
Tags: "Millikin Moments", "Millikin Place: Decatur Architectural Park", 1989 Nominating Committee Report, A Note From Your President, Annual Meeting, Commodore Stephen Decatur Statue, Decatur, Decatur Review Article: Nov. 13 -1904, Heritage Preservation Tax Checkoff, Historic Illinois Article, Illinois, James Millikin Homestead, James Millikin: Banker Turned Gardener, Membership Information, Romance In the Homestead, Ruth Prust, Steve Pyle Photography, Victorian Christmas Tea
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul1988, Vol Xll-3 or Xlll-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov 1988, Vol. XII-4 or XIII-2
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Apr 1988, Vol. XII-2 or XII-4
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 1988, Vol. XII-1 or XII-3
Tags: Anna Millikin Niche in History, Christmas Revisited, Decatur, Decatur Art Class, Gazette Wins Certificate of Excellence, Homestead Interior/Exterior, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Oops Membership Corrections, Ornament Purchase Form., President's Note, The Sound of Our Own Voices Book, Victorian Tea
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov 1987, Vol. XI-5 or XI-2
Tags: 1087-88 Members., Christmas at the Homestead, Christmas Tea, Decatur, Decatur Art Class & Homestead, Demolition to Dream House, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Loofbourrow History Christmas Past, Memorial chandelier, Mr. & Mrs. Millikin Days, Piano acquired, President's Note, Procurement Chairman, Sound of Our Voices Book, Victorian Christmas Boutique, Yesteryear's News
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Apr 1987, Vol. Xl-3 or Xl-4
Tags: Abel and Nancy (Van Dyke) Millikin, Bob Wilcott's Homestead Christmas Card (picture), Decatur, Dining Room Chandelier, Dr. Richard Ferry, Early Illinois Books Donated, Hotel del Coronado, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Leslie M. Barber Thesis, Membership Information, Millikin Cemetery in Hamilton Butler Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, new roof, Old Doc Millikin, Old House Journal, Open House Tour Guides Needed, Outside Improvements, Why Preservation Week
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov 1986, Vol. Xl-l or Xl-2
Tags: 1986 Ornament Photo, 1986-87 Homestead Members, Brass Tooling Photos, Charles Gates Dawes, Charles Schroll Landscaping, Decatur, Dining Room Chandelier, Dollie Millikin, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Membership Information, Miss Victoria H. Bear (Teddybear), Mrs. Millikin's Trunk, National Quilters' Association, Pastor W. H. Penhallegon, re-roofing, Rober F. Machan (James' Stepbrother, Silent Auction, Victorian Christmas Tea
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb. 1987 Vol. XI-2 or XI-3
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 1986, Vol. X-2 or X-3
Tags: "Mansions and Carriages" Illinois Times, 1985 Was a Very Good Year, American Cancer Society Auction, Anniversary Fund, Art Club Entertained (Newspaper), Birks Sisters' Hats, Bobbie Wolfe, Carpet Bedding Landscape, Carriage House Painted, Companies Matching Donations, Decatur, Flu Epidemic of 1918, Help Wanted, Hetty Bartlett Aston's Diary, History of Macon County in Illinois, History of the Families Millangas and Mallanges, How is the Homestead Funded, IL, Illinois Times, James Millikin Homestead, Ladies of the Lamp Photo, Loofbourrow Christmas Tree Photo, Membership Information, Millikin Trust Approached for Roof Funds, Moose Head, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Nancy Van Dyke, New Girl on the Board, Paul T. Millikin, Places and People in Decatur, Pride of the Prairie Commercial, Ridlon Family History, rummage sale, Seco Valley Settlements and Families, Thanks to Millikin University (Mr. Eddy), The Life Story of James Millikin (Albert Taylor, The Millikins of Washington County Pa., Trees Identified, Tri State Trader Magazine, tuckpointing, TV Channel 23 "Newsline"