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  • Tags: National Grocery Co.

Sherman J. McClelland
Photograph of Sherman J. McClelland (born 1/12/1864; died 6/14/1945). In whole sale grocery business from 1888-1928, later going into real estate and insurance. Member and past president Millikin University board of managers. Former manager of the…

Photo of McClelland Grocery Co.
Photograph McClelland Grocery Co. located at 805-25 N. Morgan St. Built in 1920 as McClelland Grocery Co. which merged with the National Grocery Co. Oct. 1925. 1955 site of Morehouse and Wells Co. wholesale hardware.

George A. Stadler and Judge W. C. Johns
Photograph of George A. Stadler and fellow golfer ready to tee-off. George A. Stadler; (died 5/25/1935). Former Decatur mayor and prominent business man. He came to Decatur in 1890 and became a member of the firs, Young Bros. and Maris, wholesale…