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- Tags: William Henry Hibbs
William Henry Hibbs biographical information, obituary January 5, 1928, and marriage announcement with no date.
The marriage announcement states that Martha Annie Holbrook aged 45 of Decatur was married to Mr. Hibbs by justice of the peace J. H. McCoy in his court. This was the second…
Tags: 1852, 1928, 75 years old, Amanda Jones, August 16, burial, carpenter, Court, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur IL, First Methodist Church, funeral directors, Henry P. Hibbs, Hibbs Personal Papers, J. H. McCoy, January 5, John England, John F. Hibbs, Justice of the Peace, Lou Hurd, Marriage Announcement, Martha Annie Holbrok, Moran and Sons, Nellie Hibbs, Obituary, Petersburg IL, second marriage, stroke, William Henry Hibbs
John F. Hibbs biographical information - birth certificate and obituary
Tags: 16 grandchildren, 1890, 1961, 3600 S. Franklin St Road, Amanda Marie and Alice June, Anna Missouri Moody, Athena IL, birth certificate, Blue Mound, Boiling Springs Cemetery, brother, daughters, Decatur IL, Dwight, Dwight IL, February 21, Grace, Henry, Henry Hibbs, Henry P. Hibbs, Hibbs Personal Papers, John Franklin Hibbs, Macon County, March 1, Menard County, Methodist Church, Monson Funeral Home, Obituary, R. R. #1, son, veteran, Veterans Hospital, wife, William Henry Hibbs, WW I
Henry Hibbs Biographical Information - Certified Copy of the Birth Certificate - June 19, 1892 - Obituary - February 8, 1966 - Father's Obituary - March 17, 1942
Tags: Alice Crawley, Anna Missouri Moody, Ater Funeral Home, Blue Mound IL, Boiling Springs Cemetery, brother, certified copy of birth certificate, Danville Veterans' Hospital, Decatur Herald Newspaper, Decatur IL, Father, father's obituary, February 8 1966, Henry Hibbs, Hibbs Personal Papers, January 5 1928, John Franklin Hibbs, John Hibbs, June 19 1892, March 17 1942, Marie Cowger, mother, Obituary, State of Illinois, William Henry Hibbs, World War I