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- Tags: brother
John F. Hibbs biographical information - birth certificate and obituary
Tags: 16 grandchildren, 1890, 1961, 3600 S. Franklin St Road, Amanda Marie and Alice June, Anna Missouri Moody, Athena IL, birth certificate, Blue Mound, Boiling Springs Cemetery, brother, daughters, Decatur IL, Dwight, Dwight IL, February 21, Grace, Henry, Henry Hibbs, Henry P. Hibbs, Hibbs Personal Papers, John Franklin Hibbs, Macon County, March 1, Menard County, Methodist Church, Monson Funeral Home, Obituary, R. R. #1, son, veteran, Veterans Hospital, wife, William Henry Hibbs, WW I
Henry Hibbs Biographical Information - Certified Copy of the Birth Certificate - June 19, 1892 - Obituary - February 8, 1966 - Father's Obituary - March 17, 1942
Tags: Alice Crawley, Anna Missouri Moody, Ater Funeral Home, Blue Mound IL, Boiling Springs Cemetery, brother, certified copy of birth certificate, Danville Veterans' Hospital, Decatur Herald Newspaper, Decatur IL, Father, father's obituary, February 8 1966, Henry Hibbs, Hibbs Personal Papers, January 5 1928, John Franklin Hibbs, John Hibbs, June 19 1892, March 17 1942, Marie Cowger, mother, Obituary, State of Illinois, William Henry Hibbs, World War I
Mrs. Marie G. Baker's Oral History
Tags: 1977, 4-year scholarship, A.H. Mills, A.M.E. Church, African Methodist Church, Betty Turnell, brother, C.L. Livingston, childhood, College Street Chapel, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, discrimination, Dr. Ellis, Edward Jacobs, family life, First Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, housing discrimination, Howard Shaw, Howard University, Huron Place, injunction, interview, James Millikin University, job discrimination, John Reagan, Lake Decatur, Lincoln School, March 1977, Marie G. Baker, Marietta Street School, Mary White Ollington, Mrs. Buster, Mrs. Eugenia Bacon, Murfield Storey, N. Union St., NAACP, National Civil Rights Law, national meetings, Niagara movement, oral history, Pennsylvania line, Physician's and Surgeon's College, Pugh School, race discrimination, Railway Postal Service, recording, Rev. E.M. Antrim, San Tucker, Singleton's Restaurant, Springfield Race Riots, swimming beach, swimming pools, truck garden, Warren Hardy, William English Walling