Browse Items (5 total)
- Tags: education coalition
June 2010 - All Committees - Meetings, Minutes, and Reports
Tags: agendas, Annex lease of 2nd floor, annual reports, Baby Talk, Bills, board of directors, Budget Report, check register, City Librarian's Report, city librarian's report on website, committee minutes on website, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DRA acquisitions program, education coalition, Exodus Art, Finance and Properties, financials on webpage, Foundation, friends, June 2010, lease agreement, meetings, Minutes, negotiations in close session, Overdrive, performance contract, personnel policy and public relations, PNG, Project Read, reports, RFP, RPLS, Serving Our Public study, Summer Reading Program, unloading bookmobile
August 2010 - All Committee Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Reports
Tags: agendas, Annual book sale, August 2010, Baby Talk, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, board of trustees personal contact information, Budget Report, Celebration closing, check register, City Librarian's Report, close session employment/appointment, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DRA acquisitions program, education coalition, Finance and Properties, fire door rating, Foundation, friends, leases, LeeAnn Fisher, local history room closure, Meeting Dates, meetings, Minutes, personnel policy and public relations, PNG, Project Read, recommendations, reports, RPLS, Serving Our Public study, trustees' orientation
Board of Directors Meeting - September 2010- agenda
Tags: Agenda, Bills, board of directors, Budget Report, City Librarian's Report, close session, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, education coalition, employment/appointment matters, Finance and Properties, friends, Karen Bjorkman, leases, Meeting, personnel policy and public relations, Project Read, recommendations, RPLS, September 2010, Serving Our Public study
May - All Committee Meetings - Annual and Regular - Agendas, Minutes, Reports
Tags: agendas, Annex, annual and regular, Annual Meeting, Baby Talk, Bills, board of directors, Budget Report, check register, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, division reports, education coalition, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, leases, Lee Ann Fisher, library overview, meetings, Minutes, negotiations in close session, nomination of officers, non-resident card, partnerships, personnel, personnel policy and public relations, PNG, prevailing wage, Project Read, report of city librarian, report to city council, report to Illinois State Library, reports, RPLS changes, Serving Our Public study, state certification, Summer Reading Program
July 2010 - All Committee Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Reports
Tags: agendas, Baby Talk, Bills, board of directors, Board professional development, Budget Report, check register, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DRA acquisition reports, education coalition, finance and property, financial overview from city, job descriptions, July 2010, leases, LeeAnn Fisher, meeting times, meetings, Minutes, negotiations in close session, personnel policy and public relations, positions in close session, Project Read, reports, RPLS, sales tax recoup, second floor door, Serving Our Public study