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- Tags: thank you notes and letters
Board of Trustees Meeting Packet - September 1996
Tags: 1996, ALA code of ethics, ALTA code of ethics, and revenues, August minutes, bills and payroll, bloodborne pathogens, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, budget, circulation statistics, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, duct work, EPA Phase I Sears Building, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, Foundation, Friends annual book sale, GEAC, grant application, hiring, interlibrary loan statistics, internet, John Moorman, management staff salary, Meeting, Minutes, nursing home stats, personnel, Personnel Policy and Pubic Relations, Public Library Roles: You Neighborhood Store, real property, recycling program, reports, RPLS, September, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, thank you notes, thank you notes and letters, Volunteers
Board of Trustees meeting February 1997
Tags: 1997, analysis of city loses, beyond the blueprint, bills and payroll, bloodborne pathogens plan, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, budget proposal, Building Technology Accessibility Grant, children'r local network, children's division, circ stats, Circulation, citizen's survey, City Librarian's Report, collective bargaining, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December minutes, Expenditures, February 1997, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, fundraining, hiring, internet expense, January minutes, John Moorman, long range plan, maintenance division, Meeting, Minutes, Nims and Associates, NIMS training center, personnel, personnel policy and public relations, processing, reports, Revenue, risk management division, RPLS, Sears Building, Shilling Local History Room, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, Storyteller Story Project, tech services, thank you notes and letters, trustees workshop, upgrade on-line catalog, Volunteers, work related injuries
Board of Trustees meeting February 1997
Tags: 1997, analysis of city loses, beyond the blueprint, bills and payroll, bloodborne pathogens plan, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, budget proposal, Building Technology Accessibility Grant, children'r local network, children's division, circ stats, Circulation, citizen's survey, City Librarian's Report, collective bargaining, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December minutes, Expenditures, February 1997, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, fundraining, hiring, internet expense, January minutes, John Moorman, long range plan, maintenance division, Meeting, Minutes, Nims and Associates, NIMS training center, personnel, personnel policy and public relations, processing, reports, Revenue, risk management division, RPLS, Sears Building, Shilling Local History Room, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, Storyteller Story Project, tech services, thank you notes and letters, trustees workshop, upgrade on-line catalog, Volunteers, work related injuries