Browse Items (8564 total)

Finance and Properties Committee meeting - June 2019 - agenda and board packet

This are the agenda and board packet of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in June 2019. Items reviewed and discussed were parking lot, HVAC status, space planning/capital needs, property tax receipts distribution, 2020 budget process,…

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - June 2021 - cancelled

This is the monthly meeting of the Finance and Properties Committee in June 2021. Cancelled

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - March 2011

This is the agenda for the March 2011 meeting of Finance and Properties. Items discussed were budget, check register, employment matter, close session, library annex, fire-panel proposal, archival walk proposal, library leak.

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - March 2013

These are the minutes of the finance and properties committee meeting of March 2013. items discussed were budget information, fiber optics, hanging stained glass, annex, budget evaluation spreadsheet, city relationship, tax levy, capitol account,…

Finance and Properties committee meeting - March 2020 - agenda, minutes, packet

These are the agenda, minutes, and packet of the March 2020 Finance and Properties committee meeting. Items discussed and acted upon were capital needs, space plan, check register, budget report, budget projection, protecting public health plan…

Finance and Properties committee meeting - March 2022 - packet

This is the monthly meeting of the Finance and Properties committee in March 2022. Items included are agenda, minutes, and reports.

Finance and Properties committee meeting - May 1984

These are the minutes of the finance and properties committee meeting in May 1984. Items discussed were stand a lone computer, consultant's report, cataloging, RPLS, authority control, one year experimentation, RPLS hardware.

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - May 1984 - minutes

These are the minutes of the finance and properties committee meeting in May 1984. Items discussed were proposed budget, tax levy ordinance request, stand a lone computer, circulation control, RPLS