Browse Items (8568 total)

Board of Directors Meeting on November 1983.

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting on November 17, 1983. At this meeting the Board discussed circulation statistics, job stimulus bill, expenditures, committee reports, RPLS, catalogers, conversion committee, library…

Board of Directors Meeting on August 16, 1984

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting on August 16, 1984. At this meeting the board discussed circulation statistics, the new computer room, expenditures, tax levy, a success summer reading program, and multi type…

Annual and Monthly Board of Director's meeting on May 1984 (minus agenda and minutes. Only report are included)

These are the annual reports from the Board of Directors annual and monthly meeting of May 1984. The reports included are the head librarians annual report, the Board of Directors annual report, the report to the state library, and the annual…

Board of Directors Meeting on April 19, 1984.

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting on April 19, 1984. At this meeting the Board of Directors discussed circulation statistics results for the month, James Scholtz the new children's librarian, circulations department,…

Board of Directors Proposed Budget for 1984-1985

This is the proposed annual budget for the Decatur Pubic Library for 1984-1985. It was dated February 1984.

Board of Directors Meeting on January 1984

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting in January 1984. At this meeting the Board discussed committee reports as they related to the library including expenditures, change in policy code, circa stats, data entry and…

Board of Directors Meeting on December 1984

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting of July 1984. At this meeting the Board discussed the following as they pertain to the library and patrons: committee reports, expenditures, circ stats, summer reading program,…

Board of Directors Meeting on March 15, 1984

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting on March 15, 1984. At this meeting the Board discussed committee reports, expenditures, policy code, circ stats, RPLS, Technical Services, Cataloging, Classification and pay plan,…

Board of Directors Meeting on November 16, 1984

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting on November 16, 1984. At this meeting the Board discussed committee reports, circ statistics, library film program, reciprocal borrowing as per RPLS, and expenditures.