Browse Items (8565 total)
Finance Committee Meeting Report October 1959
Finance Committee Report Board of Trustees April 1962
Finance Committee Report Board of Trustees August 1961
Finance Committee Report Board of Trustees January 1962
Finance Report - December 2010 - Revenue Expense Summary
Finance Report - Revenue Expense Summary - March, December, February, and January 2012
Tags: available budget, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December, encumbered, February, Finance and Properties, Finance Report, January 2012, LeeAnn Fisher, library funds, March, MTD actual, original appropriations, percent used, revenue expense summary, revised budget, YTD actual
Financial Records - May 1-June 30, 1970
Financial Report - all months - 1994
Tags: 1994, April 1994, August 1994, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Breckenridge Trust, Bridges Trust, Cantoni Trust, capital outlay, commodities, contractual services, Decatur IL, Decatur Pubic Library, December 1994, February 1994, Finance Report, fines and fees, inter governmental revenue, investment income, January 1994, John Moorman, July 1994, June 1994, library capital, library capital expenditures, March 1994, May 1994, November 1994, other charges, other income, personal services, salaries and wages, September 1994, Taxes
Financial Report - Fiscal 1973/1974
Financial Report - July 2013
Tags: Annex, books and periodicals, copies and misc., Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenses, finance and properties committee, Financial report, fines and fees, July 2013, lost or damaged books, meeting room fees, operating expenses, payment in lieu of taxes, personnel services, Revenue, state replacement tax