Browse Items (59 total)
- Tags: 1990
League of Women - Publications - Voters Guide - 1990
Tags: 1990, Amendments to the Constitution of Illinois, Candidates for city board, Candidates for city council, Candidates for Macon County Board, Candidates for regional superintendent of schools, Candidates for State Legislature, Candidates personal data, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, How to fix the major problem within the first 6 months, League of Women Voters, Major problem facing each candidate, Pamphlet on your vote speaks for you, Publication on General Assembly's annual sessions, publications, Qualifications as a candidate, voters guide
Railroad Index Map (7/10/1990)
Mrs. Jane Lee's Oral History
Tags: "HMS Pinafore", "Little Prince", "Quality Street", "Red Mill", 1990, Alex Van Praag Sr., Armistice Day, Betty Jo Eickenberry, Central Railroad Depot, childhood, classified ad department, DAR, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Dr. Jones, Elmer Nickel, Ethel Parkinson, Fires, Freda Douthit, GAR, Glee Club, Governor Oglesby Mansion board, Grand Army of the Republic, Great Depression, grocery stores, H.C. Schaub, Helen Gorham, Herald and Review, home birth, Howard Millard, ice block, Illinois Central Railroad, Indian schools, international traveling, Interurban, Interurban station, interview, January 1990, Jeanette MacDonald, Lake Decatur, Lincoln School, Linn and Scruggs, Louise Fyke, Macon County Conservation District, Macon County Hospital, Macon County Newsletter, Marietta School, Moweaqua mine disaster, Mrs. Jane Lee, Mt. Zion IL, oral history, plays, Poetry, poetry club, recording, Red Cross, Robert Williams, Roosevelt Junior High School, Shellabarger Mansion, St. Mary's Auxiliary, stalker, Stephen Decatur Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, streetcar, Switchboard, Toonerville Trolley, Transfer House, traveling, typing, Westminster Presbyterian Women, Women's Relief Corp, World War I
Amherst Hardy's Oral History
Tags: 1990, Amherst Hardy, amphibian forces, assembly plants, Associated Press A-Wire, Barracks, bill collector, Blue Book, Bob Barracks, Bob Yoder, Buryl Engleman, Buses, carnivals, CCC Camp, changes to Decatur, Circus, city hall, Civilian Concentration Corp, Comet automobile, David Felts, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Dennis School, destroyer tender repair ship, English major, Espirito Santo, February 1990, flash signals, Football, Forrest Kyle, Great Depression, H. Allen Smith, ham radio, hospital evacuation ship, Howard Millard, interurban line, interview, Jane Lee, Japan, Jeffry automobile, Jitney buses, John Stacey hanging, Kennedy Assassination, Kintner Gymnasium, Layah Riggs, Lincoln Theater, Millikin University, Morse code, Moweaqua coal mine collapse, Mr. Lindsay, Navy, newsboys, newspaper plant, old courthouse, oral history, Otto Kyle, Pan-American automobile, Paul Aird, police beat, prize fights, Prohibition, PWA, radio man, recording, reporter, Robert Williams, Roosevelt Junior High School, Roosevelt New Deal Program, Sam Tucker, SATC, Shellabarger Building, short wave radio, Streetcars, Student Army Training Corps, telegraph reporter, trip to Maine, vaccinating pigs, Veterinarian, wooden block pavement, World War I, World War II, WPA, WWI, WWII
Personnel Policy and Public Relations Committee meeting - February 1990
Personnel Policy and Public Relations Committee meeting September 1990
Personnel, Policy and Public Relations Committee meeting November 1990
Personnel, Policy, and Public Relations Committee meeting December 1990
Tags: 1990, board of directors, Board of Trustees, city librarian's goals, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1990, disaster plan, Foundation, friends, Grants, increase revenue, James Seidl, MARC records, Meeting, Minutes, performance evaluation, personnel policy and public relations committee, reduce expenditures, staff moral, staff negotiations