Browse Items (8506 total)
Board of Directors Meeting - November 2013 - agenda
Tags: AACGS, Agenda, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget report and update, camera policy, check register, City Librarian's Report, city rental, close session, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, eval of interim city librarian, Finance and Properties, financial adjustments, fines and fees, Foundation 2014 budget approval, friends, IHLS, internet policy, lease space, library policy review, Local History Room Project, Meeting, nominating committee, November 2013, personnel policy and public relations, return book policy, Robert Edwards, search committee, Serving Our Public study, SHARE, union negotiations
Board of Directors Meeting - October 2013 - minutes
Tags: adoption of new fiscal year, board of directors, Board of Trustees, City Librarian's Report, Cordogan Clark, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, expenditures of funds, fines and fees, Foundation, friends, IHLS, impact bargaining agreement, lease space, library accomplishments, Local History Room Project, Meeting, Minutes, October 2013, reduction in force, reduction in hours, Robert Edwards, search committee, shortened budget year, Standards for Illinois Libraries study, street scape project, Thomas Cole exhibit, trusts
Board of Directors Meeting - April 2014 - agenda and minutes
Tags: Agenda, April 2014, Assistance Center (SEDAC), board of directors, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, budget update, check register, city finance meeting, city librarian's evaluation in close session, City Librarian's Report, city librarian's transition team, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, EAV, facilities update, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, IHLS, interim librarian, Lincoln the Constitution and the Civil War exhibit, local history project update, local history space update, Meeting Minutes, Polaris, Rick Meyer starting date, Robert Edwards, Serving Our Public study, Smart Energy Design, Taxes, Zombie Run
Board of Directors Meeting - February 2014 - agenda and minutes
Tags: Agenda, announcement of new city librarian, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, budget update, check register, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, employment of new city librarian in close session, facilities discussion in close session, February 2014, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, IHLS, IPLAR, Local History Room update, Meeting, Minutes, Parking Lot, personnel policy and public relations, Rick Meyer, Robert Edwards, SEDAC, Serving Our Public study
Board of Directors meeting - October 2015 - minutes and agenda
Tags: 2016 budget proposal update, Agenda, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget report and update, capital needs assessment, check register, circ policy, city librarian's evaluation, City Librarian's Report, close session, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Building Commission Macon County update, Decatur Public Library, Farm Progress Show, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, IHLS, Meeting, Minutes, October 2015, personnel policy and public relations, Rick Meyer, volunteer policy
Board of Directors Meeting - December 2011 -- agenda and minutes
Tags: Agenda, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, City Librarian's Report, close session, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 2011, Finance and Properties Report, Foundation, friends, Lee Ann Fisher, library annex, Long Range Plans, Meeting, Millikin library survey, Minutes, Serving our Patrons
Board of Directors Meeting - February 2018 - agenda and minutes
Tags: Agenda, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, check register, circulation policy, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, exception requested by Illinois Department of Revenue, February 2018, fines and fees policy, friends, Jones and Thomas-marketing plan, Meeting, Minutes, Parking Lot, personnel policy and public relations, Rick Meyer, Serving Our Public study, staff identification policy
Board of directors meeting - January 2018 - agenda and minutes
Tags: 2018 board of trustees meeting dates, Agenda, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, Building Use Policy, check register, city librarian's annual professional goals, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, facility study of library by city, Finance and Properties, friends, January 2018, Meeting, meeting date of personnel policy and public relations for 2018, meeting dates for finance and properties for 2018, Minutes, personnel policy and public relations, Rick Meyer, Serving Our Public study
Board of Directors meeting - August 2014 - agenda and minutes
Tags: Agenda, August 2014, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, budget update, check register, City Librarian's Report, Decatur Building Commission of Macon County, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, director's report on operations, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, IHLS, Jones and Thomas, library records confidentiality policy, local history collection policy, local history project bids, local history project update, local history room use policy, Meeting, Meeting Dates, Minutes, personnel policy and public relations, preliminary 2015 budget, pubic comment, Rick Meyer, Serving Our Public study, Summer Reading Program
Board of Directors Meeting - August 2013 - agenda and minutes
Tags: Agenda, Art council parking, August 2013, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, check register, City Librarian's Report, close session, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, employment matters, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, Grants, IHLS, Labor Day book sale, Meeting, Minutes, new city librarian search, personnel policy and public relations, SHARE, union negotiations