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League of Women Voters - monthly board meetings - January 2 and 30, 1958 - February 6, 1958
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Decatur Illinois in Macon County
Tags: board meetings, budget committee, by-laws, Candidates meeting, Congressman petitions, Council management campaign, Judicial system charts, League of Women Voters, local agenda committee, Minutes, Mosquito control, Mrs. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. Gibson president, Non-policy making, real estate assessments, tax exempt educational fund, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - photograph - Ruth Schade - Rep William Springer- Ruth Dow - Washington DC
Photograph: Ruth Schade, Rep William Springer, Ruth Dow
League of Women Voters - photograph - Mrs. Gerald Cox - Mrs. Oliver Etheridge, Mrs. Watts
Photograph: Mrs. Gerald Cox, Mrs. Oliver Etheridge, and Mrs. Watts seated on a couch
League of Women Voters - photograph - Mrs. George Kuhns - Mrs Robert Lewis, Henry Bolz, Wayne Schrieder
Photograph: Mrs. George Kuhns, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Henry Bolz, and Wayne Schrieder
League of Women Voters - photograph - Mrs. Floyd Burl - Rep. William Springer - unknown woman
Photograph: Mrs. Floyd Burl, Rep. William Springer, and an unknown woman
League of Women Voters - photograph - sign
Photograph: 3 unknown women of the League of Women Voters with a LWV-TV sign presenting "The Letter"
League of Women Voters - photograph - Eugenia Allin - Mrs. Westenhaver - 50th Anniversary - 1969
Photograph: Eugenia Allin and Mrs. Westenhaver - 50th Anniversary - 1969
League of Women Voters - photographs - Macon County - Courts Representatives
Photographs: Macon County Court Representatives
League of Women Voters - photograph - Macon County Courthouse with Lincoln Statue
Photograph: Macon County Courthouse and Lincoln Statue
League of Women Voters - photograph - aerial view of downtown Decatur
Photograph: aerial view downtown Decatur