Browse Items (8620 total)
House with person in the garden - c, 1920 - no location
Tags: c. 1920, garden, Hibbs Personal Papers, house, person, Photograph
Houses After an Ice Storm
Tags: Ella Foulk Converse, Foulk family, houses, ice damage, ice storm
Howard C. Burks
Howard E. Brown's Oral History
Howard Wrench
Hugh B. Crea
Hugh Baker's Oral History
Tags: 1985, alcoholism committees, automobiles, Betty Turnell, building homes, changes to milking, Chatanooga TN, childhood, City Milk Inspector, civic boards, company town, Construction, Cows, Dairy Farm, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Mental Health Center, diptheria, electricity, epidemic, family life, farm, farmhouse, farming, Great Depression, harvest dinners, hired hands, hobbies, Hugh Baker, interview, June 1985, Liberty Bonds, marine engineering, Mary W. French School, mechanical engineering, Milk Delivery, Mueller City, Mueller Company, Mueller family, Mueller IL, Mueller Pottery Plant, naval architecture, oral history, pasteurization, Plant 3, public parks, recording, Recreation, retirement, Roosevelt Junior High School, Salvation Army board, sanitary conditions, South Shores, sterilization, tenant's house, The Mueller Land Improvement Trust, University of Michigan, World War I
Hy Brown Erickson in Los Angeles, CA
I. A. Wallins (Isador Abraham)
Tags: 151 N. Water St., Atlass-Wallins Co., biography, Council of Social Agencies, Decatur IL., Family Welfare Assn., grocery business, I. A. Wallins, I. A. Wallins Inc., insurance, Isadore Abraham Wallins, Lewis J. Burstein, Lindquist Studio, Macon County Red Cross, New York Life Insurance Co., O.P.A. Macon County IL., Zuckerman Clothing