Browse Items (8621 total)

Photo of Maj. Howard A. Nicholls in uniform sitting in cockpit of airplane
Herald and Review Library: Nicholls, Maj. Howard A.; Article on back of photo; "With the Colors, H. A. Nicholls Is Now Major; Howard A. Nicholls, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nicholls, of rural route 3, Decatur, has been promoted to the rank of major.…

Photo of Maj. Forrest H. Kelly in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Kelly, Maj. Forrest H., Article on back of photo: "Forrest H. Kelley of Decatur has been promoted from captain to the rank of Major and is now serving as assistant training and operations officer, third ground air support…

Photo of Magna Bank Building .

BS1893-Magna Bank149.jpg
Photograph of the Magna Bank Building located on S. Water St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Macon County, IL., Draftees standing on steps in front of the courthouse.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo; "Those sent from the rural draft board are, left to right: Front Row: Lester Spitzer, James E. Baird, Glenn Gregg, Everett Leroy Kerwood, Thomas W. Tucker,…

Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees standing on steps of the courthouse.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Draftees Standing in Front of the Courthouse; Article on back of photo; "This group of young men has been sent to the Peoria induction center by the Macon County rural draft board. The group includes, left to…

Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo: "These men also have been sent to the induction center by the rural board. Left to right, they are: First Row: Lloyd Elliott, Luther Jefferson Wiles, Clifford…

Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo: "These men have been sent by the Macon county rural draft board to an induction center for final physical examinations and possible acceptance in the armed…

Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo: "Macon county's three draft boards this week sent these groups to an induction center for final physical examinatins. Thos who pass will be inducted into some…

Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo; "Called by the rural draft board were, left to right: First Row: Donald Stewart, Edward Musselman, Jack Potrafka, Mildrehn 'Major' Black; Second Row: J. L.…

Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo; "Called by the raul draft board were left to right: Front Row: G. C. Weidner, Kenneth Zimmerman, Harold D. Newsham, James L. Williams; Second Row: Blaine Olen…