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Photo of St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Photograph of St. Paul's United Methodist Church, 1305 E. Prairie Street, Decatur, IL. The last service at St. Paul's was held 6/2/2002. (Information Herald and Review; 6/2/2002). The building now houses Life Changers Church, pastor Bishop…

Photo of Third United Methodist Church
Photograph of Third United Methodist Church, 1100 E. Locust Street, Decatur, IL. The last church service was held on 6/2/2002. (Information from Herald and Review; 6/2/2002.) Building is now Central Illinois Christian in Missions, second hand store.

Photo of Trueblood Memorial United Methodist Church
Photograph of Trueblood Memorial United Methodist Church, 1768 N. Maple Ave., Decatur, IL. Last service at that church was 6/2/2002. (Information from H&R 6/2/2002.)