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Photo of Dreschel's Good Food Market

Photograph of Dreschel's Good Food Market located at E. 1368 Orchard St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Draftees standing in front of courthouse steps
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. draftees in front of the courthouse. Article on back of photo; "Included in the group of Decatur men who left here early this morning for physical examination and induction in the U. S. Army at…

Photo Of Draftees On Train With the Conductor.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Draftees on Train; Article on back of photo: "Guillory 77 On March 21, 1941, this young man, attired in a snappy zoot suit and hat, peers out the train window, deeply absorbed in thought. This group of prewar…

Photo of Dr. Walter F. Day and Carlos Kincaid, pastors Grace United Methodist Church.
Photographs of Dr. Walter F. Day (died 12/24/1974) and Carlos Kincaid. Dr. Day is welcoming Carlos Kincaid as a new pastor to Grace United Methodist Church. For more information on Carlos Kincaid; see Decatur Review dated 7/5/1949.

Photo of Dr. J. T. B. Stapp's House 200 Block Franklin and William Streets.

Photograph of House on corner of N. Franklin and E. Williams Streets. "the home of Dr. J. T. B. Stapp, called Decatur's first capitalist stood for many years at the corner of Franklin and William streets on ground now occupied by the Decatur post…

Photo of Dr. Clarence True Wilson
Photograph of Dr. Clarence True Wilson (died 2/16/1939). Internationally known prohibitionist and Methodist church temperance board founder. He was the founder and for 25 years head of the Methodist church board of Temperance, prohibition and public…

Photo of Dr. Benjamin F. Shipp
Photograph of Dr. Benjamin F. Shipp (born 1861; died Dec 1937). Superintendent of the Decatur District of the Illinois Methodist conference from 1905 to 1910. Photo ran 1906.

Photo of Doonald W. Sullivan in fatigues
Herald and Review Library: Sullivan, Donald W.; Article on back of photo; "Marine Pfc. Donald W. Sullivan, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Sullivan, 1053 West Decatur street, is at the naval hospital at Long Beach, Calif, recovering from severe burns…

Photo of Donald W. Ammann in uniform with name and ID number
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Ammann, Capt. Donald W., 4/18/1944. Unused. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ammann, 1413 E. Division Street, Decatur, IL.