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Photo of Route 10 Garage Building
Photograph of the Route 10 Garage Building located at 240 West Wood Street.
Tags: BS2063, building, Business, Decatur IL., East Wood St., garage, Route 10 Garage
Photo of R. H. Edwards Meat Market Building.
Photograph of R. H. Edwards Meat Market located at 537 N. Morgan Street, Decatur, IL. Meat market located in the C. F. Sterr Building.
Photo of the Revere House built by Capt. David L. Allen.
Photograph of the Revere House Hotel, N. Franklin and E. Prairie, built by Capt. David L. Allen; burned in 1871. The hotel was originally built in 1836 and had a succession of owners.
Photo of Rangos Place Restaurant Interior and Owner.
Photograph of the interior of Rangos Place located at 337 N. Main St., Decatur, IL., employee or owner in the photo.
Photos of Historic Landmarks.
Photograph of old automobiles with the transfer house in the back ground. Photograph looking down on Transfer House, bus and cars. Photograph of new construction Lincoln Square.
Photos of Ragsdale Roller Rink located in a tent. Ragsdale Roller Rink for later located at 480 E. North St.
Photographs of the tent that housed Ragsdale Roller Rink. Ragsdale Roller Rink was located later at 480 E. North St. In 1947 Harold Ragsdale sold the Roller Rink to J. H. Kaericher and the name was changed to Regal Roller Rink.
Photos of Quigles Furniture Store Building.
Photograph of Quigles Furniture Store Building and Bohon-Yockey Building next door. Photograph of the exterior of Quigles Furniture Store.
Photos from the Pownell Advertising Co.
Photograph of Frank Thomalla, Pownall Advertising Co. Photograph of Robert Bloomquist and Mrs. Alice Irwin. Photograph of Joan Shivers and Mrs. Delores Darnell.
Decatur Traction and Electric Co. Power House
Photograph of Decatur traction and electric power plant building with old automobiles. "Decatur Traction and Electric Co. --Power House--Wabash Ave., 405-409, built in 1899 and abandoned as power house five years later. It was used by several…