Browse Items (8659 total)

Photo of Corp. W. E. Hanks in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hanks, Corp. W. E. Article on back of photo; "Corp. W. E. Hanks, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hanks, rural route 3, is home on a 10-day furlough. He entered the army with the Decatur national guard unit in March, 1941, and has…

Photo of Corp. Vestine Riggins in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Riggins, Corp. Vestine; Article on back of photo; "Corp. Vestine Riggins, an instructor in motorcycle mechanics at fort Francis E. Warren, Wyo., is spending a seven-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles…

Photo of Corp. Robert Louis Riley in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Riley, Corp. Robert Louis, Article on back of photo; "By Margaret Strong of the Herald Staff; Home cooked meals, a soft bed to sleep in, sightseeing in Decatur and visiting with a joyous family is in store for Corp. Robert…

Photo of Corp. LaVerne N. Cummins in flight uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cummins, Corp. LaVerne N., 9/3/1943 unused. Son of Mr. and and Mrs. G. O. Cummins, Decatur, IL."

Photo of Corp. Jack C. Vandervort in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Vandervort, Corp. Jack C., Article on back of photo; "Corp. Jack C. Vandervort, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Vandervort, rural route 1, has received an appointment as a flying cadet and was transferred from Shepherd Field,…

Photo of Corp. Irwin N. Davenport in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Davenport, Clinton, 10/14/1942. Article on back of photo: "Corp. Irwin N. Davenport of Argenta, returned to the States Sept. 15 after seven months in Hawaii. He enlisted in the coast artillery July 31, 1941. he is…

Photo of Corp. Fritz L. Washburn, Jr. in uniform sitting in chair smoking a cigarette
Herald and Review Library: Washburn, Fritz L., Jr.; Article on back of photo; "Saved From Burning Ship; Corporal Washburn Tells of Wakefield Rescue; Corp. Fiitz L. Washburn, Jr. rolled off the burning convoy ship, the Wakefield, Sept. 3 and with…

Photo of Corp. F. G. Herreid in uniform with unknown sailor
Herald and Review Library: Herreid, Corp. F. G. on left with unknown sailor. Article on back of photo; "Herreid Home, corp. F. G. Herreid, who was inducted into the marines at the mass ceremony her Oct. 9, 1942, is on furlough with his parents, Mr.…

Photo of Corp. Ernest Grabowski in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Grabowski, Corp. Ernest; Article on back of photo; "Grabowski Has Leave, Corp. Ernest Grabowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grabowski, 2172 East Johns Avenue was recently home on furlough from Fort Warren, Wyo. He is a…

Photo of Corp. Dale Miller in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Miller, Corp. Dale; Article on back of photo; "Corp. Dale Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Maroa, has been spending a 30-day furlough with his parents. He has been in the Walter Reed hospital, Washing, D. C., since…