Browse Items (8659 total)

Photos of the Goldblatt's Store Interior and Statement.

BS1506-goldblatts e-scalator undated071.jpg
Photograph of customers using the escalator and Goldblatt's statement "Where Fashion and Quality Cost Less."

The Ginny Lee Gift Shop

Photographs of the Ginny Lee Gift Shop Building and Mrs. Frank Snell.

George L. Warren Saloon

Photograph of George L. Warren , employees and customers. Saloon was located at 560 N. Jasper St., Decatur, IL.

Gefford's Tourist Cabins, Elwin Motel

BS1502-Elwin Motel.jpg
Photographs of Gefford's Tourist Cabins and Standard Service Products, Groceries, Ice Cream and Lunch, Rt. 51 S. of Decatur, IL.

Miscellaneous Photos Gebhart Motor Supply.

Photographs of automotive parts, employees, and building, Decatur, IL.

Miscellaneous Photos Gebhart Motor Supply.

Photographs of fishing flies, employees checking inventory, and auto parts.

Miscellaneous Photos of Gebhart Motor Supply.

BS1478-Gebhart Motor Supply Company-Warehouse and office-Union and Cerro Gordo Streets-1930s-332.jpg
Miscellaneous photographs from Gebhart Motor Supply, located at 117 N. Water, 612 E. Eldorado and 232 E. North Streets.

Photo of Old Gas Station and current University Gas Station.

BS1480-first gas station oakland and west main 1915.jpg
Photograph of old gas station that was located at W. Main St. and Oakland Ave. and current gas station.