Browse Items (8667 total)

Photos of First Federal Savings and Loan.

Photographs of the First Federal Savings and Loan Building, located at 155 W. Eldorado Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Ferris Wheel and Riders

PK214--Ferris Wheel 1933-036.jpg
Photograph of the Ferris Wheel with people riding and waiting.

Photo of Farm to Market Delivery Truck

BS1110-Farm to Market.JPG
Photograph of the Farm to Market Delivery Truck.

Photo of Fans Fare Restaurant

BS1108-Fans Fare Restaurant-1955251.jpg
Photograph of the Fans Fare Restaurant Building located at 1701 N. Woodford Street, Decatur, IL>

Photo Fans Fare Restaurant Building

BS1108-Fans Fare Restaurant-1955251.jpg
Photograph of the Fans Fare Restaurant Building

Photo of E-Z Opener Bag Co. Site.

BS1106-E-Z Opener Bag Co 1916-042.jpg
Photograph of the E-Z Bag Co. "The land bought in 1916 by E-Z Opener Bag. Co. was north of the Wabash R.R., between the I.T.S. tracks and N. Pine St., and bounded on the north by W. Green St. Bright St. cut through the tract from Green St. to theā€¦

Photo of Ernest Donuts

BS1105-Ernst Donuts - E Eldorado St..jpg
Photograph of Ernest Donuts located at 600 E. Eldorado St. Standard Gas Station across the street.

Photo of Illinois Power & Light Co. Streetcar.

BS1104-Illinois Power & Light Co Streetcar176.bmp
Photograph of Illinois Power & Light Co. Streetcar Wabash Depot in the background.

Photos of the Eldorado Bowl Bowling Alley Interior and Building.

BS1096-Eldorado Bowl 1-22-55-033.jpg
Photographs of the Eldorado Bowling Alley located on West Eldorado Street. Pictures cover the interior and the building.