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- Tags: H. M. Scott
Photos of Review Business Office Staff, Circulation Staff, and Composing Room Staff.
Tags: 12/7/1913, Beecher Hughey, Bill Coonradt, BS847, BS848, BS849, Business, Business Office Staff, Charles Vail, circulation staff, Clarence "Si" Radford, Composing Room Staff, Ed Winters, Edna Hughbanks, edna S. Rieple, Eleanor Edmundson, Elwood Crawford, Ernest Reed, Fay Minnick, Freda Requarth, George Musine, H. M. Scott, Harry Benford, Herald and Review, Jack Mintun, Jaunita Lanterman, John Beckett, John Huber, Lloyd Jackson, Mabel E. Green, Marie Hartmann, Mary E. Bailey, Mathilde Genry, Milton Bergen, Mr. Lemmons, Newspapers, Orville Lemmon, Quarter Century Edition, Review, Royal Price, Russell D. Rainey, Samuel Eddy, Terry Stoner, Walter Henry
Photo of Composing Room Staff taken in 1913 and Linotype Machine.
Tags: 12/7/1913, 1913, Business, Charles Vail, Charles Vest, Clifford Entler, Composing Room Staff, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur IL., Earl Horine, Edward Winter, George Eaton, H. M. Scott, Harold Whittaker, Harry Benford, Henry Hoedinghaus, Lawrence Hale, Lawrence McCullom, Linotype Machine, Newspapers, Roy Babcock, W. H. Kinkade, Walter Henry, Will Miller
Photos of the Composing Room at the Decatur Daily Review in 1913.
Photos from the Daily Review
Tags: 1913, Bill Ritter, BS324. BS325. BS326. BS327, BS328, BS329, Business, Charles Vail, Charles Vest, Clifford Entler, Composing Room, Daily Review, Earl Horine, Edward Winter, George Eaton, H. M. Scott, Harold Whittaker, Henry Benford, Henry Hoedinghaus, Herald and Review, Lawrence Hale, Lawrence McCullom, Newspapers, Photo File: Business, Roy Babcock, W. H. Kinkade, Walter Henry, Will Miller
Decatur Review Building Annex, Composing Room and Staff
Tags: 1895, 1913, Annex, Bill Ritter, Buildings, Charles Vail, Charles Vest, Cliffford Entler, Composing Room, Composing Room Staff, Construction, Decatur IL., Earl Horine, Edward Winter, George Eaton, H. M. Scott, Harold Whittaker, Harry Benford, Henry Hoedinghaus, Herald and Review, Lawrence Hall, Lawrence McCullom, Photo File: Buildings, Review, Roy Babcock, Sprinkler System, Streetcars, W. H. Kinkade, Walter Henry, Will Miller