Browse Items (107 total)
- Tags: Decatur Daily Review
Photos of Operating Equipment.
Photos of Office Workers, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL.
Photos of the Entrances off Main and North Streets. Photos Machine and Repair Shop and Elevator.
Photos of Newspaper Carriers in 1913, 1915, 1918, and 1922.
Tags: 1915, 1918, 1922, 5/23/1918, Arnold Moore, Arthur Moffett, Bert Flaugher, BS401, BS405, BS406, BS407, BS408, Business, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur IL., Edward Ade, Ernest Knifka, Francis Heisler, Fred Corcoran, Glen Moran, Herman Knifka, Newspaper Carriers, Newspapers, Si Radford, Will Coonradt
Photo of Review Staff Proposing a Toast to the President of the United States.
Photo of Printing and Stationery Co. Business Office Staff, Decatur Daily Review.
Photos of Newspaper Carriers in Clinton and Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1928, 6/2/1928, Alden Brewer, BS402, BS403, BS404, BS410, BS414, BS415, Business, Clinton IL, Corwin Samuel, Dean LaMon, Decatur Daily Review, Dist. Mgr., Earl Knowles, Henry Hoback, Homer Dooley, Leo Doty, Lewis Hartten, Newspaper Carriers, Newspapers, Paul Oglesby, Robert Miller, Russell Rainey, Warren Shaffer, Willie Dooley, Willie Wright
Photo of Composing Room Staff taken in 1913 and Linotype Machine.
Tags: 12/7/1913, 1913, Business, Charles Vail, Charles Vest, Clifford Entler, Composing Room Staff, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur IL., Earl Horine, Edward Winter, George Eaton, H. M. Scott, Harold Whittaker, Harry Benford, Henry Hoedinghaus, Lawrence Hale, Lawrence McCullom, Linotype Machine, Newspapers, Roy Babcock, W. H. Kinkade, Walter Henry, Will Miller
Photos of the Composing Room at the Decatur Daily Review in 1913.
Photos of Construction of the Review Building at 365 N. Main St., Decatur, IL.
Block W. Prairie St., back of the Suffern Building.