Browse Items (8612 total)
May Board of Directors Meeting 1998
Tags: 1998, Adult Division, Agenda, annual report, April's minutes, art collection inventory, asbestos abatement method, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, by-laws, children's division, circ stats, City Council, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, finance and property, friends, GEAC, glass plate negatives, John Moorman, maintenance division, May 1998, Meeting, Minutes, nominating committee, periodical subscription, personnel policy and public relations, reports, Revenue, RPLS, staff inservice, staff recognition committee, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, State Library, Statistical Report, storyteller's story project, tech division, thank yous, Volunteers, weeding
November Board of Directors Meeting - 1998
Tags: 1998, Agenda, bills and payroll, budget, Cardwell Assoc., Children's Book Week, circulation policy, City Librarian's Report, comments and suggestions, contractors payment, Danville Public Library, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, friends, health insurance, ILA conference, Illlinois State Archives, John Moorman, library writing contest, Meeting, Millikin, Minutes, monthly circ stats, November 1998, November special minutes, October minutes, personnel policy and public relations, PSA, reports, request for space in new building by city, Revenue, RPLS, Sears building renovation, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, star inservice, Statistical Report, thank you notes, Volunteers
October Board of Directors Meeting - 1998
Tags: 1998, Agenda, Baby Talk, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, children's division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, database search policy, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Extension Division, exterior lights new building, Finance and Properties, furniture design, goals and objectives for city librarian, John Moorman, Kwaniannes, levy payment, library visits, Meeting, Millikin, Minutes, moving committee, October 1998, parking new building, personnel policy and public relations, policy reviews, receiving of Sears Building, reports, reproduction agreement policy, Revenue, review of by laws, RPLS, September minutes, signage, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, tech services, Volunteers, workshops and training
September Board of Directors Meeting - 1998
Tags: 1998, 3M self check machine, Adult Services, Agenda, art acquisition and display policy, August minutes, bad checks, Baker and Taylor, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile schedule, Bright Ideas Grant, budget, children's division, Christmas closings, circ division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Decaturnet, Expenditures, finance and property, Foundation, friends, John Moorman, Law and You, Levy Request, library visits, maintenance division, Meeting, Minutes, Parking Lot, personnel policy and public relations, reports, Revenue, RPLS, Sears renovation, September 1998, SOS volunteers, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, Summer Reading Program, Tech service, thank you notes, Wasson collection, YWCA
June 1999 Board of Directors Meeting
Tags: 3M self check machine, Agenda, bids moving library, Bills, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, children's division, cir stats, City Librarian's Report, Craftman Inc., Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, evaluation of city librarian, Expenditures, finance and property, grand opening committee, John Moorman, May minutes regular meeting and annual meeting, Mechanical Contracting, Meeting, Minutes, new library facility, opening day Sept 7, payment to Mid State General, Penny Severns Early Childhood Reading Center Grant, Per Capita Grant, personnel policy and public relations, prevailing wage rate, prohibited gift policy, reports, Revenue, RPLS, Security Policy, sexual harassment policy, Statistical Report, technical division, technology plan, thank you notes, Volunteers, weeding periodicals, Y2K project
May Board of Directors meeting - 1999
Tags: Adult Division, Agenda, Annual Meeting, annual report of city librarian to city council and state library, April minutes, bid telecommunication, billing Craftmasters, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, book sale, children's division, circ division, circ stats, city librarians report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Disaster Preparedness Plan, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, friends, internet policy, John Moorman, Macon Resources, May 1999, Meeting, Minutes, new building update, nomination of officers, payment Mid State General, personnel policy and public relations, re-roofing, renovation project Illinois Power, reports, Revenue, RPLS, standards, Statistical Report, tech division, thank you notes, videos, Volunteers, waiver of lean
April board of Trustees Meeting - 1999
Tags: Agenda, April 1999, bids new library, billing Mid State General, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, building project update, circ stats, city boundaries, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, fiscal year-end status, Gates Library Initiative, John Moorman, Macon Resources, management pay scale, March minutes, Meeting, Minutes, move committee, National Library Week, new building renovation, personnel policy and public relations, reports, Revenue, RPLS, standards, Statistical Report, tax assistance sessions, thank you notes, Volunteers, weeding, workshops and training
August 1999 Board of Directors Meeting
Tags: Agenda, August 1999, billing Craftmasters, billing Mid State General, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, Christies, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, evaluation of city librarian, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, grand opening committee, John Moorman, July minutes, library closure for move, local history room closure for move, Macon Resources, Meeting, meeting room policy, Minutes, non book orders, Personnel Policy and Pubic Relations, re-roofing, reports, Revenue, RPLS, Sept 7 opening, staff packing for move, standards, Statistical Report, thank you notes, weeding, workshops and training for staff
December Board of Directors Meeting - 1999
Tags: Agenda, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, building completion, children's division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Community Millennium time capsule, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1999, Expenditures, Extension Division, Family Reading Night, Finance and Properties, Herald and Review, Illinois Center, John Moorman, library tours, maintenance division, Meeting, Minutes, monthly programs, November minutes, Oak Manor Nursing Home, payment Phillips Swager Assoc. Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, registrations, reports, Revenue, staff workshops and training, statistic report, taxing district, tech services, Towne Redevelopment Project Area, volunteer tea, Volunteers, Y2K upgrade
Board of Directors meeting July 1999
Tags: Adult Division, Agenda, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, children's division, circ division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, evaluation of city librarian, Expenditures, Extension Division, Finance and Properties, internet usage, job description Information Specialist children's, John Moorman, July 1999, June minutes, LAN menu, library building progress, library parking, maintenance division, Meeting, meeting room policy, meeting schedule personnel policy and pubic relations, meeting schedule regular board meeting, Minutes, payment Craftmasters, payment Mid States General, personnel policy and public relations, regular meeting schedule for finance and properties, reports, Revenue, sexual harassment policy, signage, staff conference ALA, Statistical Report, Summer Reading Program