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Shirley Kistler's Oral History
Sam Loeb's Oral History
Robert Walters' Oral History
Tags: 1985, 6" refractor, amateur astronomer, assignments, Astronomy Club, Betty Turnell, Big Creek, black and white photos, Blue Mound Fair, canvas, ceramics, color photos, Decatur Camera Club, Decatur IL, dog, Fall, First Methodist Church, Halley's Comet, honors, interview, jewelry, Judging, Katie, landscapes, Mr. Pfile, oils, oral history, painting, Pfile's Camera Shop, photo processing, photographs, pottery, realistic painting, recording, Robert Walters, Rock Springs Nature Center, seasons, streams, telescope, Winter, wood carving, World War II, YMCA
Robert H. Kramer's Oral History
Tags: 1982, Albert Spaulding, Argenta IL, Benny Goodman, Betty Turnell, big band music, Canada, Carol Lawrence, changes to music, Chicago Symphony, childhood, Cincinnati Symphony, clarinet, classical music, dance bands, Decatur IL, Decatur Municipal Band, Dick Coffeen, Doc Severinsen, interview, Jack Benny, junior high school, Kate Smith, Mattoon IL, Millikin Symphony, Millikin University, Monty Mountjoy, Mt. Zion IL, Murray College, music course, music teacher, National Symphony Orchestra, North Dakota, oral history, recording, Robert H. Kramer, September 1982, Symphony Guild, Taylorville IL, Thompson-Kramer Music, Tiny Hill band, travelling band
Robert H. Dumas' Oral History
Robert Emmons' Oral History
Richard Rodgers's Oral History #2
Tags: 1988, Amusement Park, Betty Turnell, Billy Sunday, carnivals, Circus, clearing tracks, crank, Decatur Club, Decatur IL, December 1988, drainage ditch, Dreamland Park, early 1900s, electric cars, gasoline heater, Home Telephone System, horse-drawn plow, horses, Hotel Orlando, interview, Lincoln Theatre, Linn and Scruggs, Millikin National Bank, oral history, plowing streets, Polar Ice Company, Postal Telegraph, Powers Opera House, Presbyterian Church, recording, Richard Rodgers, Riverside Park, sidewalks, sled, sleigh, Street Cars, Streets, tires, touring car, Western Union, wood block pavement, YMCA
Richard Rodgers' Oral History #1
Tags: 1984, air conditioning, automobiles, Baseball, Betty Turnell, Bijoux Theatre, Blue Book, board room, childhood, chimes, Clothing, Coal Mines, cook's stove, Decatur Civic Orchestra, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Downtown, electricity, Empress Theatre, family orchestra, February 1984, Federal Home Loan Act, Feltman and Curm, FHA, First Methodist Church broadcast, Great Depression, Gushard Building, Gushard store, homogenization, Interurban, interview, John Philip Sousa's band, Lincoln Square, Lincoln Theatre, Linn and Scruggs, marimba, Millikin Orchestra, Millikin University, Music, Musician, Newspapers, oboe, oral history, out houses., pasteurization, public transportation, Pugh School, Radio, recording, refrigeration, Richard Rodgers, Roosevelt Junior High School, salt water taffy, shoe repair, Shoe Store, Shoes, shopping, Stephen Decatur High School, Street Cars, Swarthout Brothers, telephones, The Anvil Chorus, Transfer House, triangle, unpaved streets, vaudeville theatre, vitaphone programs, WJBL station, World War I, WWI, xylophone
Richard E. Reeves' Oral History
Tags: 1988, Africa, Air Force, airplane mechanics, Annual Conference, April 1988, Architectural Drafting, Architecture, Aviation Cadet, Barnes Hospital, Bert Templeton, Betty Turnell, Building Committee, Burks Pumps, Children, council of ministries, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Company, Dr. Paul Burt, educational wing of church, engineering, Executive Vice-President, Faculty, First United Methodist Church of Decatur, Ghana, interview, Joyce Reeves, jurisdictional conference, Kenya, Liberia, missionary work, Mississippi, mock-ups, national church, nurse's training, official board, oral history, parish relations, pastor, Pentagon, Ploughboy Prom, Rantoul IL, recording, recruitment college tour, Richard E. Reeves, salesman, San Francisco, Sertoma Club, Sierra Leone, St. Louis MO, Student Council, Sunday school teacher, teaching aids, UMCOR, United Methodist Committee on Relief, University of Illinois, US Office of Education, Vice-President of Engineering, Vice-President of Marketing, Washington University, water and sanitation problems, Webster-Cantrall Hall, Weldon IL, Wells, Wesley Foundation, World War II, WWII, Yale University
Ralph Owen's Oral History
Tags: 1987, Army, Betty Turnell, Chanute Air Field, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Franklin Mall, Franklin Travel Agency, Gebhart family, history of Lake Shore Drive, Hobby House Toyland, ice cutting company, interview, January 1987, Lake Shore Club, Lake Shore Drive, Maffit St. Bridge, Mr. Allen, Mr. Maffit, oral history, Ralph Owen, recording, Sangamon River, World War II, WWII