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Photos of the Grand Opening of Turn-style Family Center North Gate Shopping Center.

Photographs of the Grand Opening of the Turn-style Family Center on Pershing Road. BS2380 L: Elmer Walton, Mayor and Frank J. Tyska V.P. Turn-style. BS2383 L-R: Frank J. Tyska, James Fues and Elmer Walton.
Turn-style was a subsidiary of Jewel Tea…

Photo of Business Card for Slim'n Trim Frocks, Inc.

Photograph of Jack H. Perlmutter's Business Card for Slim'n Trim Frocks, Inc.

Photo of Shoppers World Building Brettwood Village, Pershing Road.

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Photograph of Shoppers World Building and Parking Lot located at Brettwood Village corner of Pershing Road and Water Street (Rt 51N).

Photos of Sessels Clothing Store.

Photograph of Sessels Store Front 354 N. Water St., Decatur, IL. Photograph of Employee standing behind counter of mens accessories.

Photos of Sears, Roebuck and Co. Building Exterior and Interior.

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Photographs of Sears, Roebuck & Co. parking lot corner of N. Franklin and E. Prairie Streets 1968. Photographs of Sears, Roebuck & Co. building front looking from Central Park. Photographs of Sears interior. Photograph of Key to the City…

Photos of Sears, Roebuck and Co. Building, Kitchen Sinks and Management.

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Photograph of the Sears, Roebuck and Co. building at 250 E. William Street, Decatur, IL. Photograph of employees getting kitchen sinks ready for sale. Photograph of Management looking at their newspaper advertisement.

Photos of the new Kresge Store Interior Located at 337-355 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.

Photographs of the new Kresge Store located at 337-355 N. Water St., Decatur, IL., lunch counter, children's clothing, and checkout lanes. Store open on Mar 15, 1959.

Photos of K-Mart Store Interior.

Photographs of the K-Mart Store Interior, ribbon cutting, customers, employees and parking lot. Store was located Rt. 36 East and Rt. 121.