Browse Items (8629 total)

Photo of Jack Cottrell in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cottrell, Jack A., 8/23/1943. Article on back of photo: "Radio Technician: Jack A. Cottrell, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cottrell, 812 S. Webster, is attending radio technicians school at the naval…

Photo of Jack Anders, Seaman 1st Class in Navy Uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Anders, Jack, 10/27/1942. Article on back of photo: " Decatur Youth on Carrier: 'I don't think there's a man who was on the Wasp, who isn't itching to get another crack at the Japs.' Jack Anders, seaman first class,…

Photo of Jack A. Meece in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Meece, Jack A., Article on back of photo; "Jack A. Meece, gun pointer first class, recently completed a 19-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Meece, 1435 East Lawrence street, and friends. He entered the navy…

Photo of J. R. Race & Co.
Photograph of "The Hamsher Iron Felloe Wagon: given away by the R. R. Race Co.

Photo of J. R. Race & Co.
Photograph of "The Hamsher Iron Feller Wagon: given away by the R. R. Race Co.

Photo of J. R. Jordan Building
Photograph of the J. R. Jordan building on 207 W. Main St., Decatur, IL>

Photo of J. R. Aldenifer in flight suit
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Aldenifer, J. R., 5/28/ 1941.

Photo of J. D. Barnhart Store
Photograph of the J. D. Barnhart Store located at 1103-1111 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Ivan Williams in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Williams, Ivan; Article on back of photo; "Williams in India; Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Williams, 1721 North Church street have been notified that their son, Pvt. Ivan Williams, has arrived safely in India. He entered service in…