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Photo of Cpl. Fred Horne in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Horne, Cpl. Fred; Article on back of photo; "We Have Been Too Easy; Much greater firmness should be exercised by the peace-loving nations in their international relations, it is advocated by Cpl. Fred Horne, whose 34 months…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL. Infantry, South Pacific, World War II, WWII
Photo of Cpl. Eugene Miller (right) in uniform with another man
Herald and Review Library: Miller, Cpl. Eugene; Article on back of photo; "Cpl. Eugene Miller Back Home, Released by Russians, by Joyce Thompson of the Review Staff; Cigarettes-real American cigarettes the best in the world-meant good treatment and…
Tags: Army, D-Day, Decatur IL., POW, Stalag 3-C, World War II, WWII
Photo of Cpl. Clarence Kashinski with two other men loading mortar shells
Herald and Review Library: Kaskinski, Cpl. Clarence, center of photo: Information on back of photo; "Men of the ....Battalion, attached to the First U. S. Arm, pass the ammunition as they keep up a continuous fire against the enemy. R. to L., S/Sgt.…
Photo of Cpl. bill McClimans, in uniform
Herald and Review Library: McClimans, Cpl. Bill, Article on back of photo is his obit: "Cpl. Bill McClimans, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. F. McClimans, 1227 West Decatur street, died in Bremerhaven, Germany, Sept. 22, according to a telegram from the War…
Tags: Army, Bremerhaven Germany, Decatur IL., Infantry, Obituary, World War II, WWII
Photo of Coxswain Earl W. Eschbaugh with brother Sgt. Harold W. Harris
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Eschbaugh, Earl W., 9/29/1944, Harold W. Harris. Article on back of photo: "Earl W. Eschbaugh, 21, coxswain in the navy, and his brother, Sgt. Harold W. Harris, 31, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Eschbaugh, 999 West…
Tags: Army, Army Combat Engineers, Decatur IL., Eschbaugh, Harris, Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Covered Bridge Over Sangamon River
Photograph of a covered bridge over the Sangamon River. Photo by Noel C. Dicks, Arthur, IL.
Photo of Courthouse taken in 1996.
Photograph of the Macon County Courthouse taken in 1996.
Photo of County Line Bridge on the Sangamon River.
Photograph of the County Line Bridge that crosses the Sangamon River, trees are covered with sleet.
Photo of Corp. William B. Parker in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Parker, Corp. William B., Article on back of photo; "In Maryland, Corp. William B. Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker, 2333 East Eldorado street, is taking a three months' course at Holabird Ordinance Motor base at…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., Ordnance, World War II, WWII
Photo of Corp. Wilfred Karloski in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Karloski, Corp. Wilfred; Article on back of photo; "Corp. Wilfred Karloski, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Karloski, 1144 North Morgan street, is home on a week's furlough from Camp Chaffee, Ark, where he is serving in the…
Tags: Armored Field Artillery, Army, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII