Browse Items (8667 total)

Photo of Carl E. Cater in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cater, Carl Eugene, 12/22/1942. Released official Navy photograph. Article on the back of the photo: "Carl Eugene Cater, 19, son of Mrs. Ruby Mentz of Shelbyville, has been graduated from recruit training at Great…

Photo of Carl C. Slayton in uniform holding sword
Herald and Review Library: Slayton, C. Slayton; Article on back of photo; "Carl C. Slayton, a chief motor machinist's mate in the navy, was here on a short leave last week with his father, Oatie Slayton, 461 south Webster street."

Photo of Capt. Robert W. Stoddard receiving congratulations from Col. William L. Lee
Herald and Review Library: Stoddard, Capt. Robert W.; Article on back of photo; "Capt. Robert W. Stoddard, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Stoddard, 2102 East Decatur street, is shown receiving the congratulations of his wing commander, Col. William L.…

Photo of Capt. Malcolm C. Witts in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Witts, Capt. Malcolm C., Article on back of photo; "Captain Witts Ends Leave; Capt. Malcolm C. Witts, was home recently on a 15-day leave from Drew Field, Fla. Captain Witts, the son of Mrs. W. A. Jordan, of 755 East Johns…

Photo of Capt. LeRoy T. Frey in flight uniform in front of plane
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Frey, Capt. LeRoy T., 9/22/1945 unused. Marine pilot at Cherry Point, N.C. ---Capt. LeRoy t. Frey, son of Mrs. Carolina Frey, of 501-1/2 South Crea Street, Decatur, IL. "

Photo of Capt. Leonard H. Ritchard in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Ritchard, Capt. Leonard, Base Adjutant, Fairmont Army Field, Geneva, Nebr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Richard, 755 South Oakland Ave.

Photo of Capt. John McKeown in uniform
Herald and Review Library: McKeown, Capt. John H., Article on back of photo; "Capt. John H. McKeown, of the Marine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKeown, 960 West Wood street, is visiting in Decatur after serving in the South Pacific. Captain…

Photo of Capt. Harold T. Whitlock in uniform with name tag
Herald and Review Library: Whitlock, Capt. Harold T., Article on back of photo; "Capt. Whitlock Back in States; Chaplain Harold T. Whitlock, former associate pastor of the First Methodist church, has recently returned to the States after serving…

Photo of Capt. Forrest M. Cox in front of plane
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cox, Capt. Forrest M., 5/24/1943. Article on back of photo: "Captain, Real World War Vet, Awarded Six Medals: Capt, Forrest M. Cox, former Decatur pilot, has engaged in aerial battles on nine fronts during the war…

Photo of Capt. Donald W. Ammann being congratulated by his Group Commander, Lt. Col. William R. Boutz after receiving distinguished flying cross.
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Ammann, Capt. Donald W., 7/13/1945 unused. Note attached to back of photo: "15th AAF in Italy - Capt. Donald W. Ammann, 1413 E. Division St. Decatur, IL., is congratulated by his Group Commander, Lt. Col. William R.…