Browse Items (8670 total)

Photo of Day's Paint Store.

Photograph of Day's Paint Store located at 340 N. Main Street, Decatur, IL., 1940's.

Photo Curve Inn

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Photograph of the Curve Inn Located on Route 48 near MacArthur High School, opened in 1953. "From Yesteryear - The Curve Inn, located on Route 48 near MacArthur High School opened in 1953--four years before MacArthur opened its doors for its first…

Photos of People working at the Crown, Cork & Seal Factory.

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Photos of women making and sorting parts. Photo of the Crown, Cork & Seal Building. Photos of men working in the factory.

Photo of the Corner Tavern

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Photograph of the Corner Tavern located at 1162 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Cooper Oldsmobile Co. Building and some Automobiles.

BS1013-Cooper Oldsmobile Co-340-360 N Broadway-7-14-1950-091.jpg
Photograph of the Cooper Oldsmobile Co. Building located at 126 N. Franklin Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Conklin Bakery Delivery Truck

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Photograph of Conklin Bakery Delivery Truck. Conklin Bakery was located on the corner of Green and N. Main Streets. Later the building housed the Purity Baking Co.

Miscellaneous Coal Mining Photos.

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BS1001: Coal Famine, 10/11/1932. BS1002: Coal Mine Accident 1934. BS1003 Coal Mine Bombing. BS1004 Coal Miners Bombing. BS1005 Coal Shortage 2/10/1936. BS1006 & 1007 Decatur Coal Co. BS1008 Decatur Coal Co. c.1880. BS1009 Sullivan Chain Coal Cutter.

Photo Cloyd's Food Center Storefront

Photograph of Cloyd's Food Center located at 876 W. Grand Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photos of Fire at Cheap Charley's.

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Photographs of people and horse and buggies at fire that burned down Cheap Charley's. Photograph of Cheap Charley's E. Main St. looking from the Transfer House, Decatur, IL.