Browse Items (8510 total)

Photos of Miscellaneous Motel Room and Motel Orlando.

Photograph of motel room for an unknown motel. Photograph of the Motel Orlando located on Rt. 48 and W. Grand Ave., Decatur, IL. on a post card. Donated by Pat Riley.

Photos of the Interior of the Orlando Hotel and Parking Garage.

BS1584-Interior Ceiling .jpg
Photographs of the Interior of the Orlando Hotel, 125 S. Water St., Decatur, IL. and Parking Garage.

Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks and Structures - N. Monroe St to Wabash Yards (6/30/1919)

This station map shows the Wabash Railway's lands, tracks, and structures between N. Monroe St. and the Wabash yards.