Browse Items (8510 total)
Illinois Central Railroad - Curtis St. to SBI Route 48 & 121 (4/3/1935)
Tags: #8.003, 1935, 4/3/1935, Arlington St., collection, Curtis St., Decatur IL, Dillehunt Heirs, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-103, ITS, map, Maps, Millikin Bank & Trust, Mueller Estate, Pennsylvania Railroad, Pennsylvania RR, Pershing Rd, Railroad Map Collection, Rt. 48 & 121, SBI Route 48 & 121, Van Buren St.
Illinois Central Railroad Right of Way and Track Map - E. North St. to E. Harrison St. (12/31/1935)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1935, 1935, additions, Assessor's subdivision, Barber's subdivision, Becker Ave., Becker Place, Broadway St., Center St., Central Ave., Church Hill Addition, Clayton St., Clinton St., collection, Columbia Heights, Commissioner's Division, Condit St., Cushing St., D.F. Shelley's Addition, David Brett, Decatur IL, description, Division St., Dunham St., E. Cerro Gordo St., E. Eldorado St., E. North St., E.B. Quinlan 1st Addition, E.B. Quinlan 3rd Addition, E.B. Quinlan's 2nd Addition, E.O. Smith, Gaddis Addition, Garfield Ave., Graceland Ave., Grand Ave., Gulick St., H.A. Hayes et all, H.A. Wood's Addition, Handy's addition, Harrison St., Hay St., Herkimer St., Hickory St., Homestead Addition, Hunt St., Hunter's Addition, Huron St., I.C. Pugh's subdivision of estate, ICRR, ICRR depot, ICRR freight house, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-101, Jasper St., Kincaid's Addition, King St., Leafland Ave., Lesley subdivision, Locust St., M. Johnson's subdivision, M.C. Deck's Addition, map, Maple Ave., Maple St., Maps, Marietta St., Mason St., Mercer St., Montgomery Shull's 1st Addition, Montgomery Shull's 2nd Addition, Morgan St., N. Church St., N. College St., N. Edward St., N. Main St., N. Monroe St., N. Oakland Ave., N. Pine St., N. Union St., N. Water St., Northside Addition, Office of Assistant of Division Engineer, Olive St., Pleasant View, Prather subdivision, R.C. Augustine's Addition, railroad, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Richview, right of way, right of way and track map, Sangamon St., Short St., Smith Company's Addition, Stare's Addition, Staurt St. Division St., Stephen's Creek, stock pens, Streets, subdivisions, Taft St., Towl's Addition, Tracks, Traver's subdivision, Van Dyke St., View St., W. Cerro Gordo St., W. Eldorado St., W. Green St., W. King St., W. Marietta St., W. North St., W. Packard St., Wabash, Wabash Depot, Wabash freight house, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash Roundhouse, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Waggoner St., Walnut Grove, Whitchell St., Whitchell's Addition, Wilber St., William's Subdivision
Illinois Central Railroad Station Plat Map - Tait Ave. - Division St. (9/15/1952)
Tags: #8.003, 1952, 9/15/1952, Alexander Lumber Company, businesses, Calhoun St., Charles St., coal yard, collection, Collins-Bruley Construction Company, Curtis Ave., Decatur IL, diesel shop, Division St., Elmhurst Ave., Garfield Ave., George S. Walker Inc., Harrison Ave., ICRR, ICRR yards, Illinois Ave., Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois St., ISHRAB-2017-25-97, ISHRAB-2017-25-98, J.L. Johnson and Sons., Jasper St., laudromat, Leader Ave., Leader Iron Works, Logan St., Lowber St., map, Maps, Miss Mary Schnepp, Mr. A.H. Schnepp, Mueller Ave., Mueller Company, Office of Assistant to Division Engineer, Olive St., Perfect Potato Chip Company, Railroad Map Collection, Sawyer Biscuit Company, station plat map, Streets, Sunshine Biscuit Company, Superior Welding Co., Tait Ave., Tracks, Woare Builders Supply Company, Woodford St., Yards
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks, and Structures - Thomas St. to James St. (6/30/1950?)
Tags: #8.003, 1950, 6/30/1950, additions, C.Y. Miller's 1st Addition, Camp & Emrich's 2nd Addition, Camp & Emrich's Addition, collection, Decatur IL, E. Division St., E. Grand Ave., E. Hickory St., E. Locust St., E. Logan St., E. Olive St., Fern Ct., ISHRAB-2017-25-94, ISHRAB-2017-25-95, James St., lands, map, Maps, Raceland Plat "C" in "Plat "C", Railroad Map Collection, Samuels St., station maps, Streets, structures, Thomas St., Tracks, Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, West Lake 2nd Addition of Out Lots, Westlake Additions of Outlots
Wabash Railroad Right of Way and Track Map - 27th St. Through Lake Decatur (7/1/1953)
Tags: #8.003, 1953, 24th St., 25th St., 26th St., 27th St., 29th St., 31st St., 32nd St., 33rd St., 34th St., 35th St., 7/1/1953, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co., additions, businesses, Camp and Emrich Addition of outlots, Camp and Emrich's 2nd Addition of outlots, collection, Decatur IL, Donovan Heights Addition, E. Division St., E. Grand Ave., E. Hickory St., E. Locust St., E. Logan St., E. Olive St., Faries Parkway, Fern Ct., Garden Place, Garfield Ave., Geddes Ave., Hillcrest Dr., Homewood Ave., ISHRAB-2017-25-93, James St., Lake Decatur, Lakewood Ave., map, Maps, Office of Chief Engineer, public road, Raceland Plat "C" in Plat "C", Raceland Plat "D" in Plat "A", Railroad Map Collection, right of way, right of way and track map, Samuels St., Spencer-Kellogg & Son Co., State Route 47, Streets, Track, track map, Tracks, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, West Lake Addition outlots, Yards
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks, and Structures - Wabash Yards (6/30/1919)
Tags: #8.003, 13th St., 14th St., 15th St., 16th St., 1919, 22nd St., 23rd Place, 23rd St., 24th St., 25th St., 26th St., 6/30/1919, additions, Bourne Stroh's Addition, businesses, Camp and Emrich's Addition of Outlots, car shop, coach painting shop, coach shop, collection, Decatur Ice Company, Decatur IL, Donovan Heights 1st Addition, dry kiln, E. Marietta St., East Decatur Heights, general foreman car department, Herkimer St., ISHRAB-2017-25-92, locker & dining room, Locust St., Lumber Shed, machine & blacksmith shop, map, Maps, mill & tin shop, Moser St. Clarence Ave., Office of Chief Engineer, oil house, open shed, Orchard St., paint house, paint shed, Planing Mill, Power House, Raceland Plat "D" in Plat "A", rail saw, Railroad Map Collection, reclamation plant, service building, storage house, store house, Streets, Thomas Ave., Wabash, Wabash Place, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, wash room, yard office, Yards
Wabash Railway - Pipe and Sewer Lines (5/25/1920)
Tags: #8.003, 1920, 5/25/1920, blacksmith shop & boiler room, Chambers Bering & Quinlan Company, Charles St., coach paint shop, coach repair shop, collection, Decatur IL, Depot, dry kilning, ICRR depot, ISHRAB-2017-25-89, Jasper St., light repair shop, locomotive shop, Lowber St., Lumber Shed, machine & blacksmith shop, machine shop, map, Maps, new shop, Office of Chief Engineer, oil house, paint shop, pipe and sewer lines map, pipes, Planing Mill, Power House, railroad, Railroad Map Collection, reclamation plant, Roundhouse, Sangamon St., sewer lines, stock pens, storage shed, store house, Streets, tin & cabinet shop, transfer table, Wabash, Wabash Depot, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash Roundhouse, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Wabash YMCA, wash building, wash house, Woodford St., yard office, Yards
Wabash Railroad Station Map: Tracks and Structures - Wabash Yards (3/28/1952)
Tags: #8.003, 13th St., 14th St., 15th St., 1952, 22nd. St., 23rd Place, 23rd. St., 3/28/1952, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co., car shop, coach painting shop, collections, Decatur IL, dry kiln, Elevator, ISHRAB-2017-25-88, Lumber Shed, map, Maps, Marietta St., mill & tin shop, Moser St., N. 24th St., N. 25th St., N. 26th St., Office of Chief Engineer, Orchard St., Planing Mill, Power House, preparation building, Railroad Map Collection, station map, store house, Track, Tracks, tracks and structures, transfer table, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Yards